[comp.dcom.telecom] Inside Wiring Questions

John Parsons <johnp@hpgrla.gr.hp.com> (05/24/91)

In the Feb. 12, 1991 {PC Magazine}, a reader asks for recommendations
for wiring a new home for telecom and local area networks.  Frank
Defler, Jr. recommends IBM "Type 3" twisted pair cable and "Type 110"
patch panels, even though they cost substantially more than common
wire and "66" blocks.

I've never seen "Type 3" cable nor "Type 110" patch panels.  My
questions are:

1. What's the difference between Type 3 cable and the usual AT&T
   twisted pair inside wire?

2. Ditto for Type 110 vs. 66 blocks?

3. Are the differences really worth the extra cost?

4. If the answer to #3 is "yes", who's a good source for this stuff?

Also, Mr. Defler suggests testing the installation with a Microtest
Pair Scanner, costing $2500.  Any comments on this?  Alternatives?


John Parsons   johnp@hpgrla.gr.hp.com   (303) 678-0383