[comp.dcom.telecom] Carrier ID Number - 700-555-4x4x

Bill Huttig <wah@zach.fit.edu> (05/31/91)

I was under the impression that the number to ID carriers was

MCI Prefered advertises 700-555-4343.  Since they are not my 1+, I did
some testing and thought the Digest readers might be interested in the

PIC	700-555	Message
222	4141	Thank You for selecting MCI for.. now connected 2RR
222	4343	Thank You.............................connected	2RR
222     4242 	same as 222 4141
852	4141	Thank You for using TELECOM*USA ...call 800-476-1234
852 	4242	We are sorry your call can not be completed as dialed AC
852	4343	Thank You for selecting MCI ... now connected 2BP
852	4444	connect to directory assistence

The 852 4343 is in the same voice as the 222 PIC ones but not the 852
4141.  Why does the 852 PIC behave this way ... it was a SouthernNet
PIC. Teleconnects' PIC is 835 ... does it behave this way?


[Moderator's Note: From here just now, 10852-700-anything got me a
message saying 'call cannot be completed with the carrier access code
you have chosen.'  PAT]