[comp.dcom.telecom] Markey Bill on Telemarketing

Robert Jacobson <cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu> (06/03/91)

Rep. Markey of the House Subcomm. on Telecomm has introduced a bill
that would create a national telemarketing "NO CALLS" list, to which
telemarketers could not make calls without assuming legal liability.
It has been covered in almost every newspaper of record, and chances
of its passage are rated high.  Is anyone on the East Coast tracking
the progress of this bill?  Thanks for your report, if you are.

I drafted an almost identical bill for the CA legislature which passed
in 1989, only to be vetoed by our then-Governor Deukmejian ... so you
know where I stand on this matter.)  :-)

Bob Jacobson