[comp.dcom.telecom] Interesting Article in IEEE Proceedings

Maurice R Baker <jj1028@homxc.att.com> (06/06/91)

Just a brief mention of an interesting and well-written journal
article which will ikely be of interest to many readers of this

	"The Intelligent Network-Changing the Face of Telecommunications"

	by Richard B. Robrock II of Bellcore

	in "Proceedings of the IEEE", Vol. 79, Number 1, January 1991. 

The title does not do it justice ... it contains a nice historical
perspective on common channel signalling (CCS6 & CCS7), 800 services,
CLASS, etc.  while providing an abundant amount of technical detail
and an excellent list of references.

"Proceedings of the IEEE" should be available in any well-stocked
college/ university library (associated with a school offering
classes/coursework related to EE or the like) not to mention many
technically-oriented company libraries.  I'm sure you could also order
a reprint from the IEEE, if necessary.

M. R. Baker    AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel
homxc!jj1028  -or-  jj1028 at homxc.att.com