[comp.dcom.telecom] Ease of Getting Info From Telco

David Gast <gast@cs.ucla.edu> (06/07/91)

There was a repeat of a program last night on the local PBS channel
about Bail Bondsmen.  If you have bail and don't show up at court,
these people come after you.  While I was not following the program in
detail, it quoted one them as saying ``I am not sure what we do is
legal ... I mean, we do misrepresent the truth, but ...''

The telecom aspect, which seems particularly relevant after the recent
leak of info, was that this guy calls up the telephone company and
gets all sorts of information about what calls are made.  Based on
that info, they decide to go out to a specific house in San

It was truely amazing the info they got and how easily they got it.
The info that was released about the telemarketing company in Chicago
was nothing in comparison with the information this guy got from what
I presume was GTE or PacBell.
