[comp.dcom.telecom] COCOT on Sesame Street

Michael Kerwan <mkerwan@hpcupt1.cup.hp.com> (06/09/91)

I wonder how many caught the recent (6/8 in San Francisco) episode of
Sesame Street that had a telephony theme.

The show opened with Sesame Street resident Gordon finding a new COCOT
telephone booth blocking the view from his window.  After a little
investigation Gordon found that the owner of the booth was none other
than the resident of a nearby garbage can -- muppet Oscar the Grouch!

Gordon soon found that he could not complain directly to Oscar.
Instead, he had to call from the phone booth.

When Gordon called, he was answered by Lily Tomlin in her classic
Ernestine the Operator role.

When she answered "A gracious hello", Oscar complained that that was
no way for a grouch's phone to be answered, Ernestine defended herself
by saying that she was being insincere.

Maybe other viewers can recall other highlights?