[comp.dcom.telecom] Real CO ISDN Ugrade Costs Needed

"Barton F. Bruce" <Barton.Bruce@camb.com> (06/12/91)

Later this week there is a Mass. DPU hearing on NYNEX's latest ISDN

I gather they want to start with only 12 switches in MA setup for
ISDN, and will try pricing data service the way they price their
(bloody expensive) Switchway 56 service, and x.25 service much the way
they price their other x.25 service - Infopath.

At that rate, only the truely desperate or very rich would use this
for data, and I really hate to see them trying to differientiate
between my possible uses of a rented 64kb channel. Should be ONE price
for for point to point switched 64 - voice or data, sure x.25 is
another game.

When they get data neatly seperated from voice, just wait til they
start trying to compress voice traffic which will really mess up fast
modems.  AT&T's new IACS system that will provide frame relay, will
also handily compress large numbers of voice channels onto fewer T1s.
You should see the glowing descriptions of what it can save the

Fiber bandwith is dirt cheap, and in some quarters there is a glut of
it, so moves to 'cheapen' the delivered voice channel quality, and to
raise the prices on 'data' traffic need to be thwarted.

Does anyone KNOW anything about the real expenses NET&T has to pay to
implement ISDN in #5ess COs? What does AT&T charge for the new
software? One can assume there is plenty of fiber trunking going in
totally justified without ISDN. So what other ISDN specific expenses
do they really have?

Any ammunition for a user speaking at a DPU hearing would be most