[comp.dcom.telecom] Automatic Redialing Regulations

tnixon@uunet.uu.net> (06/13/91)

There have been a few messages posted here about government
restrictions on automatic redialing equipment.  Since I've been active
in standards work in this area recently, I thought I'd pass along what
I know.

For several years, US and Canadian regulations in this area have
differed.  Recently, the FCC and DOC decided to get together and
harmonize FCC Part 68 and CS-03 (Canadian equivalent) so there would
be one consistent standard for North America (making life much easier
for manufacturers).  Telecommunications Industry Association technical
subcommittee TR-41.9 studied the issue of automatic redialing, and
recently submitted a recommendation to the FCC on what the harmonized
regulation should be, which is basically this (but I'm doing this off
the top of my head ...):

Automatic redialing equipment may dial a single number TWICE during
any ONE HOUR period.  However, if the equipment is capable of
detecting a busy signal, it may dial up to an additional 13 times
during the one hour period so long as it detects busy on each attempt.
Manual intervention is permitted to restart the cycle -- meaning that
if you hit the "redial" button again, you can basically automatically
redial forever.  What the agencies and committees don't want is a
completely unattended system dialing again and again all night and
keeping some poor old lady awake.

An important note: the proposal specifically exempts emergency alarm
systems (such as burglar alarms calling a central monitoring center),
and equipment that is under external computer control (such as
modems).  Yes, I did have a hand in that last part!  The reason is
that we did NOT want to get the FCC into the business of regulating
computer SOFTWARE, and these days it is primarily the SOFTWARE that
does the redialing, not the FCC Part 68-registered equipment.

Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer    | Voice   +1-404-840-9200  Telex 151243420
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. | Fax     +1-404-447-0178  CIS   70271,404
P.O. Box 105203                   | UUCP uunet!hayes!tnixon  AT&T    !tnixon
Atlanta, Georgia  30348  USA      | Internet       hayes!tnixon@uunet.uu.net