[comp.dcom.telecom] Question About Crackling on Phone Circuits

millar@uunet.uu.net> (06/11/91)

Some of my phones are starting to crackle ... which causes data
connections to generate more and more frequent errors.  First, it was
only one branch within the house ... any phone connected to that one
outlet would crackle, hiss and generally not work acceptably.  Then I
had to check the line coming into the house (by disconnecting the
modular jack in the external telco box) and now all the phones in the
house have the crackle.

I'm an Elec Eng and should know this stuff ... but all my checks of
connections, wiring, show no visible problems.  Hopefully someone with
experience will know what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Jeff Millar    millar@rocket.sanders.com

FLINTON@eagle.wesleyan.edu (Fred E.J. Linton) (06/14/91)

In <telecom11.448.4@eecs.nwu.edu>, rocket!millar@uunet.uu.net (Jeff
Millar) asks about "Crackling on Phone Circuits".

The last time I had crackling on my phone circuits, the cause turned
out to be squirrels chewing on the line at the junction box whence the
feeder to my premises originates (on a pole in my backyard.  Same
thing the time before that.

Fred	<fejlinton@{att|mci}mail.com> or <FLinton@eagle.Wesleyan.EDU>