David Neal <dan@sun.uucp> (06/17/91)
I'm looking for a switch that shuttles between one or more lines based on distinctive ringing patterns. Ideally the switch would send a normal ring pattern down the leg selected, thus saving me the expense of shunts/modems/faxes/answering machines that also detect DR. The point of all this is to have my otherwise idle home phone appear as a business phone, and to hopefully allow me to wire up a voicemail/fax system at home. Personal 800 number is forwarded to special ring number. Normal Ring POTS -------<DR BOX>-------------------------------Answering machine | | | Two Line Cordless (Line 1) (Line 2)---- | | | | | Modified Ring | | | |----<Cheesy voice/fax detection switch> | | | | | fax tones detected | | | | voice detected | Ext 42 <Cheap fax> | | (or same PC w/fax board) | | <PC running voicemail board> | |------------| PC says: "Please dial the extension of the party blah blah blah blah" Ext 1 = My voice mail Ext 2 = Roland's voice mail ... Ext 11 = Take a # via tone detection and page me with the # Ext 12 = Take a # and page Roland with it ... Ext 42 = Ring Cordless phone on line 2 (known to few but keeps home # totally private.) Ext 911 = Take message, ring me on cellphone and playback. Any improvements, brandnames, or suggestions, are welcome. John Higdon 15 lines at home on a 64x16 PBX in your basement smart alecs need not apply :-) ... (but anything else you might have to say would be great, Mr. Higdon.) Also, if this system could be setup so that answer during the day with a secretary and multiple lines could easily be added later, that would be even better. In fact, it may be that a very small PBX would scale better? David Neal - Unix Contractor at large -- dan@chemsh.uucp - (800) 486-3972