[comp.dcom.telecom] Recommendations Wanted For Small Voicemail System

Brent Chapman <brent@america.telebit.com> (06/29/91)

I'm looking for a small voicemail system, for six users initially.  It
would be nice to find something I could expand later, to 12 or more
users, but that's not an absolute requirement.  The system can be
either standalone, or something that works on a Mac IIcx.  Any

In particular, I've seen ads for a combination FAXmodem/voicemail
product for the Mac.  Does anyone know anything more about it, and is
anyone here using it?


Brent Chapman                 Telebit Corporation
Sun Network Specialist        1315 Chesapeake Terrace
brent@telebit.com             Sunnyvale, CA  94089
                              Phone:  408/745-3264