[comp.unix] International call for tenders : Unix H/W and S/W

usenet@mcdchg.UUCP (09/30/87)

[Even though this arrived too late to do anyone much good, (It was sent
on 9/25!) I'm posting it as an item of interest.  -mod]

The Commission of the European Communities, a international organisation with 
an annual computing budget, of the order of 50 million dollars, has just 
published a call for tenders for Unix hardware and software, and data 
communications equipment.
Anyone can apply, but the first deadline is short (29 September 1987, see point
6 below) so interested parties should act VERY QUICKLY!

The text of the call for tenders is given in summary form below:
(It is published in The Official Journal of European Communities, Supplement
 S, No 181 of 18(or 19) September 1987).

 1. Name and address of the authority awarding the contract:

    Commission of European Communities
    Directorate general for personnel and administration
    IX.F.1 - IPA

    Attention of Mr P. Ravier
     IMCO 5/3
    200, Rue de la Loi
    B-1049 Brussels

    Telex: 21877 Comeu B
    Telefax: +32 2 235.77.02

 2. The award procedure chosen:

    Restricted invitation to tender, reference IX/IPA/PER-2

 3. (a) The site:

    Brussels and Luxemburg

    (b) Nature and extent of the services to be provided and the general
        description of the work:

    Acquisition of the following:

    I) computers and software for UNIX environments:
       Lot 1: local computer with UNIX
       Lot 2: software products for Unix environments
       Lot 3: personal computer UNIX
       Lot 4: character terminal

    II) equipment for data communications:
       Lot 5: Data Over Voice Equipment (DOVE)
       Lot 6: X25 equipment
       Lot 7: encryption X25
       Lot 8: Multiprotocol converter (MPC)
       Lot 9: Data Communications equipment
       Lot 10: Test equipment
       Lot 11: Cabling
       Lot 12: Reconfiguration cabinets for telecommunications equipment
       Lot 13: telex-teletex gateway
       Lot 14: LAN infrastructure equipment

     (c) If the contract is subdivided into several lots, the size of 
         the different lots and the possibility of tendering for
         one,for several, or for all the lots:

 4. Any time limit for the completion of the works:

 5. Where applicable, the specific legal form which must be assumed by
    the group of contractors to whom the contract is awarded:

 6. (a) Final date for the receipt of requests to participate:

    29 September 1987, as evidenced by the postmark or, where delivered
                       by hand, the receipt dated and signed by an offi-
                       cial of the department designated in 1.

    (b) Address to which they must be sent:

    As in 1.

    (c) Language or languages in which they must be drawn up:

    Any of the official Community languages (Danish, French, German, Greek,
    Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, English).

 7. Final date for the dispatch of invitations to tender:

    19 October 1987

 8. Information concerning the contractor's personal position, and the 
    minimum economic and technical standards required:

    Applications must be accompanied by the following documents to permit
    selection of applicants to be invited to tender:

    The articles of association
    The most recent accounts
    Bank references
    Turnover for the past financial year

 9. Criteria for the award of the contract if these are not stated in
    the invitation to tender:

    The award criteria will be set out in the invitation to tender.

 10. Other information:

     This invitation to tender is the second of a number of invitations to
     tender which will be issued regularly for distributed equipment.

     To avoid unnecessary mailing of documentation, applications must state
     clearly and fully the lot number from 1 to 12 for which candidates
     intend to bid, otherwise their applications will be rejected.

 11. Date of dispatch of the notice:

     15 September 1987