[comp.unix] Setting accurate application timers

usenet@mcdchg.UUCP (09/30/87)

  We have this device driver laying around and I thought that it sounded
  like the thing you need.  It is in the public domain so you should be
  able to use it at any site.  The installation is fairly well documented.
  Hope this solves your problems.

Scott L. Wiegel                          +--+    +--+
					 |  |    |  |
Harris Computer Systems Division         |  +----+  |
2101 W. Cypress Creek Rd.		 |_/-\_/-\_/|
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl  33309                |  +----+  |
                                         |  |    |  |
UUCP:slwiegel@hcx1.harris.com            +--+    +--+

#ident	"@(#)curses:demo/ft	1.2"
The following device driver is in the public domain and has been posted to
USENET.  It implements the "ft" device and the FTIOCSET and FTIOCCANCEL
ioctl's used by the nap routine in delay.c of curses.  (Otherwise curses
will attempt to get the effect of nap some other way that won't work as

The instructions given here make it easy to install on 4.1BSD,
but it also needs to be ported to UNIX 5.0.  If someone ports it,
please let me know, I'll include the USG version in the next curses
distribution as well. -- MRH

>From cbosg!vax135!cornell!dean Wed Feb 17 21:31:02 1982
Subject: ft driver package
To: vax135!cbosg!cbosgd!mark

I mentioned two items in a later note of which you are probably well aware.
First, it doesn't have to be device 25 if you already have some local devices.
Second, you need to use the 4.1BSD signal stuff (sighold() and sigpause())
for short times to work reliably.

Good luck!
			Dean Krafft
			(decvax!cornell!dean or vax135!cornell!dean)


Below is the code and documentation for a "fast" timer driver for 4.1BSD.
This allows programs to simulate an alarm(2) call with resolution of 1/60
of a second.  We developed the driver for use with interactive programs
where very short delays are required.


 1) You will need to put the following defines into ioctl.h (both in /sys/h
	and in /usr/include/sys).

		/* fast timer ioctls */
		#define FTIOCSET	(('T'<<8)|0)
		#define FTIOCCANCEL	(('T'<<8)|1)

 2) The file /sys/conf/files needs to have the line

	/dev/ft.c			optional ft

	added into it.

 3) The configuration file (e.g. /sys/conf/PICKLE) should have about 8 lines of
    the form

		pseudo-device ft
		pseudo-device ft

	put into it.

 4) The conf.c file will need to have the following two sets of
	lines added into it in the appropriate places.

	----------- At approximately line 247 (note: ft.h is created by config)

	#include "ft.h"
	#if NFT > 0
		int ftopen(), ftclose(), ftread(), ftwrite(), ftioctl();
	#   define ftreset nulldev
	#   define ftopen nodev
	#   define ftclose nodev
	#   define ftread nodev
	#   define ftwrite nodev
	#   define ftioctl nodev
	#   define ftreset nulldev

	------------ At approximately line 350 (search for "local sites")

	/* 25-99 reserved to local sites */
			ftopen,         ftclose,        ftread,         ftwrite,        /*25*/
			ftioctl,        nodev,          nulldev,        0,


 5) Finally, you will have to /etc/config, make the system, and install
	the /dev entries (major = 25, minor = 0-7).

I hope I haven't forgotten anything in the procedure.  If you have any
problems, please send me some mail and I will either respond directly or
publish a fix.  Good luck.

			Dean Krafft
			Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University
			(decvax!cornell!dean or dean.cornell@udel)

--------------------------- /usr/man/man4/ft.4 --------------------------------
.TH FT 4 
.UC 4
ft \- fake interval timer
.I ft
is a pseudo-device that makes it possible to simulate an
.IR alarm (2)
call with better than 1 second resolution.
To use the interval timer, open one of the files
.I /dev/ft?.
This opens the interval timer for exclusive use;
an attempt by another process to open the timer will fail
with error indication ENXIO in 
.I errno
\- see
.IR intro (2).
The resulting file descriptor can be the argument of an
.IR ioctl (2)
.RS 1

 #include <sgtty.h>
 struct requestbuf { short time; short signo; } request;
 ioctl( fildes, FTIOCSET, &request);

.I time
sixtieths of a second, a signal of type
.I signo
will be sent to the requesting process.
The requested
.I time
may not exceed 60 seconds
(if longer delays are required the real
.IR alarm (2)
call should be used).
.IR ioctl (2)
.RS 1

 ioctl( fildes, FTIOCCANCEL, (struct requestbuf *)0 );

cancels any outstanding interrupt request.
ioctl(2), alarm(2)
An FTIOCCANCEL request prevents the signal from being sent
when the interval has expired, but does not actually cancel
the timeout request.
It cannot be followed by a new FTIOCSET request
until the original delay has expired.

----------------------------- /sys/dev/ft.c --------------------------------

/*  ft.c     08/15/81 */

#include "ft.h"
#if NFT > 0
 *  Fast Timer -- a pseudo-device that behaves like an interval timer.
 *  Note because of exclusive-open it can also be used as lock files.

#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/systm.h"
#include "../h/tty.h"
#include "../h/dir.h"
#include "../h/user.h"
#include "../h/proc.h"
#include "../h/map.h"
#include "../h/pte.h"
#include "../h/conf.h"

 * per-minor-device state table
 * Invariants:
 *      - device is open iff ftt_procp != 0
 *      - timeout in progress iff ftt_state != AVAILABLE

struct fttab {

    struct proc *ftt_procp; /* proctab entry and process id of controlling  */
    short ftt_pid;          /*   process.                                   */

    short ftt_state;        /* AVAILABLE, CANCELLED, or signal number       */

} fttab[NFT];

#define AVAILABLE   (0)
#define CANCELLED  (-1)

#define MAXTIMEREQ (60*hz)  /* 1 minute */

 * open 
 * exclusive use only

ftopen(d, flag)
register unsigned dminor;
register struct fttab *ftp;

    dminor = minor(d);
    if( dminor >= NFT ) {
		u.u_error = ENXIO;
    ftp = &fttab[dminor];
    if( (ftp->ftt_procp != (struct proc *)0)
      || (ftp->ftt_state != AVAILABLE) ) {
        u.u_error = EBUSY;
    ftp->ftt_procp = u.u_procp;
    ftp->ftt_pid = u.u_procp->p_pid;

 * close

register unsigned dminor;
register struct fttab *ftp;

    dminor = minor(d);
#   ifdef PARANOIA
        if( dminor >= NFT ) {
            printf("ERR: ftclose\n");
            u.u_error = ENXIO;
#   endif
    ftp = &fttab[ dminor ];
    ftp->ftt_procp = (struct proc *) 0;
    ftp->ftt_pid = 0;


 * dummy read/write routines

    u.u_error = ENXIO;

    u.u_error = ENXIO;

 * ioctl
 * all real work is done here using
 *  FTIOCSET    request a software interrupt after specified number
 *              of clock ticks.
 *  FTIOCCANCEL cancel an outstanding request.

ftioctl(dev, cmd, addr, flag)
caddr_t addr;
dev_t dev;
void fttimeout();
register unsigned dminor;
register struct fttab *ftp;

    dminor = minor(dev);
    if( dminor >= NFT ) {
        printf("ERR: ftioctl!\n");
        u.u_error = EINVAL;

    ftp = &fttab[ dminor ];

    /* Make sure invoking process owns the device.  */
    /* This can only fail if call is from a child   */
    /*  forked off after opening the ft device.     */
        if( (u.u_procp != ftp->ftt_procp)
          || (u.u_procp->p_pid != ftp->ftt_pid) ) {
            u.u_error = ENXIO;

    /* interpret command */

        switch( cmd ) {

        case FTIOCSET:
            { struct { unsigned short timereq; short sigreq; } request;

                /* get request, make sure it's reasonable */
                    if( copyin(addr,(caddr_t)&request, sizeof request) ) {
                        u.u_error = EFAULT;
                    if( (request.sigreq <= 0) || (request.sigreq > NSIG) 
                      || (request.timereq > (MAXTIMEREQ)) ) {
                        u.u_error = EINVAL;
                /* schedule the interrupt */
                    if( ftp->ftt_state != AVAILABLE ) {
                        u.u_error = EBUSY;
                    ftp->ftt_state = request.sigreq;
                    timeout( fttimeout, (caddr_t) ftp, request.timereq );

        case FTIOCCANCEL:
            (void) spl5();
            if( ftp->ftt_state != AVAILABLE )
                ftp->ftt_state = CANCELLED;
            (void) spl0();

            u.u_error = ENOTTY;


 * fttimeout
 * called by system timeout
 * verify that requesting process is still around
 * verify that request hasn't been cancelled
 * send the signal
register struct fttab *ftp;
register struct proc *pp;
register int prevstate;

    prevstate = ftp->ftt_state;
    ftp->ftt_state = AVAILABLE;

    if( (prevstate == CANCELLED)
      || ((pp = ftp->ftt_procp) == ((struct proc *)0))
      || (pp->p_pid != ftp->ftt_pid) )

#   ifdef PARANOIA
        if( (prevstate < 1) || (prevstate >= NSIG) ) {
            printf("ERR: fttimeout %d\n",prevstate);
#   endif

    psignal( pp, prevstate );
