[comp.unix] The Columbus Local Unix Group comes out of the SLUG ashes

verber@pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu (Mark A. Verber) (02/23/90)

It looks like I am the person who is coordinating bring SLUG back to
life.  Most people seem to think that we should come back as a general
Unix group (rather than Sun specific) to broaden our appeal.  We are
trying to involve more of the community.

We are hoping to create a local group where professionals and
enthusiasts can exchange experience, knowledge, etc.  with one
another.  The primary thrust of the group will be education and
cooperation between sites.

There is a mailing list for information and discussion between members
of CLUG.  The mailing list is:


Requests like please add/remove me from the list should go to:


There are currently plans for four initial projects:

(1) Monthly meetings.

Most meetings will be on a particular topic.  The meetings will normal
start with the group business, continue on to a presentation on the
key topic.  All meetings will be the first Monday of the month,
between 7-9pm on the OSU campus, in Baker Systems room 120.

Tentative plans for the first few speakers are:

	Mar	Large Scale NFS Service		Dr. Bruce Nelson, Auspex
	Apr	Unix: Past, Present, Future	Bob Fraik, NeXT
	May	Improving Unix Security		Steve Romig, OSU CIS
	June	Choosing a Window System	Bob Sutterfield, MorningStar
	July	Co-Existence: Macs, PC, Unix	Mark Verber, OSU Physics
	Aug	Networking			Karl Kleinpaste

(2) Quarterly newsletter.

The newsletter will summarize developments in the Unix community at
large, and in Central Ohio in particular.  We will have some regular
columns, letters to the editor, and announcements. 

(3) Workshops and tutorials.

The group will organize and cooperate tutorials that are of interest
to the general Unix community.  These tutorials with be taught by
qualified personal.  The tutorials will either be free, or offered at
a low cost.  Some of you may have attended some of our initial
tutorials on the OSU campus when they were sponsored by the IRCC.
Initial tutorials will include:

	Networking with TCP/IP
	Basic Unix System Administration

(4) Provide a free "public" access Unix machine.

This machine will have mail and netnews.  It looks like Pinnacle
Systems will be donating a Sun 3/180 with terminal lines and two
disks.  We already have a number of people who will admin the machine.

To get this project off the ground, we are asking people to step forward
who can offer any of the following.


We need a name.  What do you like?  Suggest a name, or vote for one of
the names already suggested:

	calix	Columbus Area Local Unix
	clu	Columbus Local Unix
	clue	Columbus Local Unix Environments
	clug	Columbus Local Unix Group
	colug	Central Ohio Local Unix Group
	crux	Columbus Region Unix

*Non-Profit Law*

We hope to incorporation this group as a non-profit educational
organization (along the lines of Usenix Associate) so we can receive
tax-deducible donations.  If you have experience with non-profit law,
please contact me.


We would be happy to take money from anyone who wants to add to our
startup budget.  Money will be used for supporting the public Unix
machine and some startup expenses.


We would like the newsletter to be of the highest quality.  We are looking
for people who would be interested in writing articles or columns.  We
are thinking about columns on new products, people, networking, etc.
It looks like the editor I had lined up has gotten too busy, so was are
also looking for a person to manage the newsletter.


We are trying to set up at least one coordinator in each large
organization (eg OCLC, OSU, Chem Abs, etc) that will help organize
their own company people, make people aware of the local Unix group,
and try and get people involved.  A number of people have already
volunteered to do this work.  Anyone from one of these companies that
is interested in helping: please contact the appropriate coordinator.
Otherwise feel free to contact me.

Teja Betz	860-7027 AT&T		tab@cbusa.att.com
Dave Burhans	764-6268 OCLC		osu-cis!sppy00!dwb
Bob Henkel	292-7352 OSU		henkel@cis.ohio-state.edu
Bob Kalal	292-4843 OSU		kalal@nisca.ircc.ohio-state.edu
Larry Virden	447-3600 x2487 ChemAbs	chemabs!lwv27 lwv27@cas.bitnet

Mark Verber, Ohio State University, Physics Department
(614) 292-8002