horgan@csu.murdoch.oz (John Horgan) (07/04/90)
>Hello all, I manage a Microvax II runing 4.3 BSD unix. It is rather under >used, so I am considering getting Wordperfect for it. I was wondering if >anyone out there in net land has any experience with wordperfect under UNIX >that they can share with me. I made enqiries about WP for BSD unix in November 1989. WP Corp made it quite clear to me then that they had no intention of releasing a BSD version. In shear frustration I obtained an Ultrix version but alas - it only partially worked under BSD4.3 on our Microvax. However, all the screen handling seemed to work OK and I was impressed at the ease of use and the speed. If Wp Corp now have a BSD version - please let me know because I will buy it pronto. John Horgan Murdoch University Western Australia (horgan@murdoch.oz)