[comp.unix] Beginners Question! Unix versions for a 386

R_Thomas@qut.edu.au (10/30/90)

Unix will run on a 386 machine?  And who are the suppliers?  And how
(non)standard they may be?  I am thinking of getting a 386, and am used
to HP-UX, and would like to get something similar.  Also approx costs
and memory usage would be nice.

Please email me seeing as I don't have time to read these groups.


Au revoir,

@~~Richard Thomas  aka. The AppleByter  --  The Misplaced Canadian~~~~~~~~~~~@
{ InterNet: R_Thomas@qut.edu.au           ACSNet:  richard@earth.qitcs.oz.au }
{ PSI:      PSI%505272223015::R_Thomas                                       }
@~~~~~School of Computing Science - Queensland University of Technology~~~~~~@