[comp.unix] Is there a *good* UNIX spell checker?

clp@megadon.UUCP (Chuck L. Peterson) (12/07/90)

program for Unix?

Thanks, David

David Mostardi			      "Where the coffee is strong,
MSRI, Berkeley                            the cat is good-looking,
david@msri.org       	   and all the theorems are above-average."

s887212@minyos.xx.rmit.OZ.AU (Stephen Riehm [Romulis]) (12/27/90)

clp@megadon.UUCP (Chuck L. Peterson) writes:
> [is there a spelling] program for Unix?
ispell seems to do the job nicely.. failing this spell is also not too
bad.. and even gives you the option of american <standard> or british
<-b option>

for vi users.. the following macro works nicekly with ispell.. not so well
with spell tho.

:map _S :w!^m:!ispell %^M:e!^M^M

have fun

Steve [aka Romulis]