[rec.games.video] F/A-18 Advice Sought

cosell@bbn.com (Bernie Cosell) (09/03/88)

I'm a bit stuck on the fourth scenario of F/A-18 (the "retrieve the stolen
F16s" one).  I'd appreciate a bit of advice on what you're _really_ supposed
to be doing.  Here's my reading (stripping away the "story line") on that
scenario: catch up with the convoy.  Coerce the Migs to shoot at you.  Once one
of 'em shoots at you, shoot booth the migs down.  Then go and catch up with the
F16s and lead them back to Moffett.  My problem: I can do everything up to the
last part.  *HOW* do you get the F16s to follow you?  [and I have a couple of
other similar questions: what happens if you shoot-first and just nail the
MiGs?  Assuming this will result in an "unuccessful mission", is there some way
to get their attention sooner rather than later?  [some pointers avoiding
incoming missiles would be nice, too... generally I can do OK, but I'm not sure
quite why or how: I don't really have a plan for evading missles].

Also (pushing my luck) a real what-you're-supposed-to-do rundown of the last
two scenarios (which I haven't seen anything of yet, of course), would be nice.

  /  )                              Bernie Cosell
 /--<  _  __  __   o _              BBN Sys & Tech, Cambridge, MA 02238
/___/_(<_/ (_/) )_(_(<_             cosell@bbn.com

zlhb0a@apctrc.uucp (Lawrence H. Brown) (09/06/88)

In article <29314@bbn.COM> cosell@BBN.COM (Bernie Cosell) writes:
>I'm a bit stuck on the fourth scenario of F/A-18 (the "retrieve the stolen
>F16s" one).  I'd appreciate a bit of advice on what you're _really_ supposed

OK, here's what cha do: 

1. Head straight for the Convoy, and splash the MIGS (don't wait).
2. Come up from behind (*270 degree course*) on the 2 F-16s
3. Match Speeds and put yourself between them, just a teensy bit 
   (1 length or 2) ahead of them.
4. Smile at 'em, take pictures, etc. after a few seconds, you get
   the congrats message and they whip back.
5. Land back on the carrier.

Incidentally, if you wait long enough after step 5, the 2 planes will
start flying back out to sea.  Then you can go have fun practicing your
gunnery skills. (They fly straight and level-- you can dump it right
into their exhasts at point blank range--FUN!) I actually "bumped" one
from behind (I suffered minor struct. dam) and he crashed.

Good luck on the last one, I haven't succeeded yet.  Also seem to have the 
dangest trouble with the rescue mission, any suggestions?!?
	Lawrence H. Brown
USENET: ...!uunet!apctrc!zlhb0a or zlhb0a@apctrc.uucp (?)
Phone: (918-660-4389) 24 hrs, voice. USmail: 7325 E. 50th, Tulsa, OK 74145
"No.  Amiga is not dead.  Hell, it's not even tired."---Leo L. Schwab

bdjst@cisunx.UUCP (Ratso) (09/07/88)

In article <29314@bbn.COM> cosell@BBN.COM (Bernie Cosell) writes:
>I'm a bit stuck on the fourth scenario of F/A-18 (the "retrieve the stolen
>F16s" one).  I'd appreciate a bit of advice on what you're _really_ supposed
>*HOW* do you get the F16s to follow you?  [and I have a couple of
>other similar questions: what happens if you shoot-first and just nail the
>MiGs?  Assuming this will result in an "unuccessful mission", is there some way
>to get their attention sooner rather than later?  [some pointers avoiding
>incoming missiles would be nice, too... generally I can do OK, but I'm not sure
>quite why or how: I don't really have a plan for evading missles].
>Also (pushing my luck) a real what-you're-supposed-to-do rundown of the last
>two scenarios (which I haven't seen anything of yet, of course), would be nice.

I just go shoot down everything as soon as I can.  I never got the F-16's to follow me and I always shot the migs down right away.

As for the last two missions.  The fifth is a shoot down a cruise missle.  Sidewinders work best.  But you have to get very close.  The last I didn't quite 
understand.  You have to get the enemy submarine/aircraft carrier.  I shot quitea few missles into it, but never sunk it.  But after shooting all the planes
and one more cruise missle down it came up with the congradulations and I 

hope this helps,