al710@unh.UUCP (Anthony Lapadula) (11/15/88)
Has anyone heard anything about Atari producing a 68000 based home video game system? Rumors flew several weeks back, but I've heard nothing new lately. Specifically, if such a machine does/will exist, I was hoping to get answers to these questions, before I settle on buying a Nintendo or Sega: * How does it compare to the Sega, Nintendo, and Atari XE systems available now? What are the specs for these 3 machines, and what are they for the new, rumored Atari box? Along these lines, what kind of input devices (light gun, 3D specs, etc.) will be available? * When will it be released? (Rough guesses -- plus or minus 1/2 year -- are welcome). * How about cost and projected game availability (within, say, 1 year of release)? Post or e-mail replies. I'll summarize if the response warrants it. /* ** What, you wanted something funny? ** --- Anthony Lapadula (...uunet!unh!al710) */