[rec.games.video] Atari designed the AMIGA?

dzenc@hermes.ai.mit.edu (Daniel Zenchelsky) (04/06/89)

In article <2765@sun.soe.clarkson.edu> walshm@sun.soe!clutx.clarkson.edu.UUCP writes:

[History of Atari 400/800 deleted]

>The design integrity and poor screen output show that Commodore's adaptation
>of Pliner's design was only a patchwork job used to get the computer out as
>soon as possible to compete with the Atari ST's.
While I agree with your history of Atari and the 400/800, I have to disagree
with your statements about the Amiga.  First off, I own *MANY* computers, and
while its true I do not own an ST, I do own an Amiga, and I know that it does
not have "poor screen output."  But that is very subjective, so I will not
argue about it.  What I will argue about, however are the facts.  Atari rushed
out the ST to compete with the Amiga (albiet after they turned it down.) The
Amiga was in no way a rush job to compete with the ST.  Please get your facts
straight before you make false accusations.

I don't want to start a war, but I couldn't just sit back while mis-information
was posted.  I have no reason to believe you did it on purpose, but I wanted
to correct it in any case.

>I think its a shame that ATARI was run by Warner the way it was, or else
>they might have taken the AMIGA and came out with a machine way ahead of its
>time. ALAS!!!
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|  ______                                                   |
| ||   |o|  Daniel Zenchelsky  --  dzenc@hermes.ai.mit.edu  |
| ||___| |                                                  |
| |   _  |  "Yes, but every time I try to see things your   |
| \_[]_|_|   way, I get a headache."                        |
|                                                           |