[rec.games.video] CBM Games

js9b+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jon C. Slenk) (07/22/89)

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I am posting to.]



	I lived in England from fifth grade till graduation, returning to the
'States to go to university (CMU, plug, plug). While I was in England, I
got a Commodore 64. I also managed to accumulate a TON of software for
the machine. Quite a bit of the software was written in England, or at
least in Europe, and most of this never saw the light of day in the
'States. It is my wish to sell these games to make some money - I have
played these games over and over and so don't find much excitement in
them any more.

	These games are currently sitting in the basement of my parent's house.
I have more than 100 games, all of which are ORIGINALS, boxed and with
instructions. There is really only one catch: the computer market in
Europe is geared towards lower levels of income (generally speaking) and
so disk drives are not often found with home computers. Rather, cassette
decks are used for storage of data etc. This means that all my games are
(yep, you guessed it) on cassette.

	Don't worry if you don't have a cassette deck - I do, and would be
willing to throw it in with all the games.

	I am not 100% sure of compatability with American machines (for the
software and the hardware) due to cycles per second being different
between here and Europe. I can only say that while I was in England, I
had a friend who owned and operated an American 64 off of a transformer
and could run 9 out of 10 of my games.

	Ok. Now to the nitty gritty. I do not have a complete list of the games
and the titles because the cassettes are all in my parent's basement (as
previously stated). I do have a general idea of how many originals I
have - over 100, I should think. At the end of the summer I am going
back home for a week, and will attempt to find the games and take an
inventory. I can then post/mail a list of the games, titles and types
for/to those who are interested.

	What I need to know is if anyone out there is actually interested.
Remember, quite a few of these games are ones you haven't seen before. I
dare say that the best English software is way ahead of the best
American software. The two markets differ in that the English seem to be
more interested in really cool shoot-em-ups, rather than in simulations
like their American counterparts. So - if you are interested (at all)
please mail me stating so. I have a price of about $300+shipping in
mind. This includes 100+ games and the cassette recorder if necessary. I
don't make any promises as to the compatability of the software with
American systems because I can not get near an American machine, and I
do not wish to get caught out by someone who buys the games, copies
them, and then demands money back because they supposedly don't work
with his or her system.

	SO: if you are interested in getting your humble 64 a new lease on life
(I can just about guarantee that these games will keep you going for at
least 6 months), let me know that you are interested. I will then go
home at the end of the summer, take inventory, and get back in touch
with  you.

	Till later,

Jon Slenk / js9b CMU.

`Land property marked the   | Capitalism:
beginning of civilization.' | Every man for himself.

js9b+@andrew.cmu.edu (UNIX)
js9b@peru.andrew.cmu.edu (NeXT / Mach)
{y610,r746}js9b@vb.cc.cmu.edu (VAX / VMS)
Jokerman@Drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (VAX / VMS)