erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (12/15/90)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111120      33   7.1  Blue Lightning
      0.00113100      43   6.6  California Games
      ..0.010321      37   7.9  Chip's Challenge
      .00122010.      31   5.5  Electrocop
      0.0002220.      32   6.2  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.011420..      29   5.6  Gauntlet III
      ......0234      25   9.0  Klax
      .......*..       3   8.0  Ms. Pac-Man
      ....3.15..       6   6.8  Paperboy
      ....1..521       8   8.1  Roadblasters
      ..1.1112.1       7   6.7  Robosquash
      ...002221.      23   7.0  Slime World
      ....0.3120      11   7.8  Xenophobe
      ......2.52       4   8.8  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .5.......5       2   6.0  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ........*.       1   9.0  Baal
      .......*..       1   8.0  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......244       5   9.2  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......125      11   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .....*....       4   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....1151.       6   7.7  Falcon
      ......5.5.       4   8.0  Flight Simulator
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ........55       2   9.5  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...2..4.4.       5   7.2  Joust
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      .........*       2  10.0  Midimaze
      .....55...       2   6.5  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      .......611       6   8.5  Populous
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ......55..       4   7.5  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....225..       4   7.2  Shanghai
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Silent Service
      ......5.5.       2   8.0  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       2   8.0  Space Quest III
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.6..1.       6   6.2  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      .....*....       1   6.0  Sundog
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      .....622..       5   6.6  Time Bandit
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......*..       2   8.0  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng 1906 milvia street berkeley california 94704
..!ucbvax!irss.njit.edu!erc ...!ucbvax!radon!erc
erc@irss.njit.edu            erc@radon.berkeley.edu

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (01/02/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111120      34   7.1  Blue Lightning
      0.00113100      45   6.5  California Games
      ..0.010321      38   8.0  Chip's Challenge
      .00122010.      31   5.5  Electrocop
      0.0002220.      33   6.2  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.001420..      31   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......0234      25   9.0  Klax
      .......*..       4   8.0  Ms. Pac-Man
      ....3.15..       6   6.8  Paperboy
      ....1..531      10   8.2  Roadblasters
      ..1.1112.1       7   6.7  Robosquash
      ...002221.      23   7.0  Slime World
      ....0.3121      12   8.0  Xenophobe
      ......2.52       4   8.8  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .3.....3.3       3   6.7  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....3.33..       3   6.7  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ........*.       1   9.0  Baal
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......135       6   9.3  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......125      12   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .....*....       4   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....1151.       6   7.7  Falcon
      ......4.6.       5   8.2  Flight Simulator
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ........55       2   9.5  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...1..313.       6   7.3  Joust
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Midimaze
      .....55...       2   6.5  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      .......521       7   8.6  Populous
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ......55..       4   7.5  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....225..       4   7.2  Shanghai
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Silent Service
      ......3.6.       3   8.3  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       2   8.0  Space Quest III
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.51.1.       7   6.3  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Sundog
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      .....513..       6   6.8  Time Bandit
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......*..       2   8.0  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng 1906 milvia street berkeley california 94704
..!ucbvax!irss.njit.edu!erc ...!ucbvax!radon!erc
erc@irss.njit.edu            erc@radon.berkeley.edu

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (01/15/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111120      39   7.0  Blue Lightning
      0.00113100      51   6.4  California Games
      ..0.001321      41   8.0  Chip's Challenge
      .00222010.      35   5.6  Electrocop
      0.0002120.      36   6.3  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0113100.      36   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......0134      29   9.1  Klax
      ..2....8..       5   7.0  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..1.4.13..       9   6.0  Paperboy
      .......522       4   8.8  Rampage
      ....0.0520      12   8.1  Roadblasters
      ..1.2212.1       9   6.4  Robosquash
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rygar
      ...0013110      27   7.1  Slime World
      ....0.3121      16   8.1  Xenophobe
      ......1.53       6   9.0  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .3.....3.3       3   6.7  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....3.33..       3   6.7  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ........*.       1   9.0  Baal
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......135       6   9.3  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......125      12   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .....*....       4   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....1151.       6   7.7  Falcon
      ......4.6.       5   8.2  Flight Simulator
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ........55       2   9.5  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...1..313.       6   7.3  Joust
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Midimaze
      .....55...       2   6.5  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      .......521       7   8.6  Populous
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ......55..       4   7.5  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....225..       4   7.2  Shanghai
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Silent Service
      ......3.6.       3   8.3  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       2   8.0  Space Quest III
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.51.1.       7   6.3  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Sundog
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      .....513..       6   6.8  Time Bandit
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......*..       2   8.0  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng 1906 milvia street berkeley california 94704
..!uunet!irss.njit.edu!erc ...!ucbvax!radon!erc
erc@irss.njit.edu            erc@radon.berkeley.edu

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (01/30/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111120      41   7.0  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      54   6.3  California Games
      ..00001221      44   8.0  Chip's Challenge
      .00112110.      36   5.7  Electrocop
      0.0002121.      37   6.4  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0123200.      39   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......0134      30   9.1  Klax
      ..1..1.6..       6   6.8  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..1.4.13..       9   6.0  Paperboy
      ......2422       5   8.4  Rampage
      ....0.0520      12   8.1  Roadblasters
      ..1.2212.1       9   6.4  Robosquash
      ......55..       2   7.5  Rygar
      ...0013110      27   7.1  Slime World
      ....002121      17   8.0  Xenophobe
      ......1152       8   8.9  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .3.....3.3       3   6.7  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....3.33..       3   6.7  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ........*.       1   9.0  Baal
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......135       6   9.3  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......135      13   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .....*....       4   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....1142.       7   7.9  Falcon
      ......4.6.       5   8.2  Flight Simulator
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Full Metal Planet
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ........55       2   9.5  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...1..313.       6   7.3  Joust
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Midimaze
      .....55...       2   6.5  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      .......521       7   8.6  Populous
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      .....244..       5   7.2  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....2222.       4   7.5  Silent Service
      ......2.52       4   8.8  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       2   8.0  Space Quest III
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Speedball II
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.51.1.       7   6.3  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Sundog
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      .....513..       6   6.8  Time Bandit
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......*..       2   8.0  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng 1906 milvia street berkeley california 94704
..!uunet!irss.njit.edu!erc ...!ucbvax!radon!erc
erc@irss.njit.edu            erc@radon.berkeley.edu

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (03/01/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111120      44   7.0  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      58   6.3  California Games
      ..00001321      46   8.0  Chip's Challenge
      .00112110.      39   5.8  Electrocop
      0.0002121.      38   6.4  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0023200.      41   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......0134      32   9.1  Klax
      ..1..1.6..       6   6.8  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..1.4.13..       9   6.0  Paperboy
      ......2422       5   8.4  Rampage
      ....0.0521      15   8.2  Roadblasters
      ..1.2212.1       9   6.4  Robosquash
      ......36..       3   7.7  Rygar
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Shanghai
      ...0013110      28   7.1  Slime World
      ....002121      17   8.0  Xenophobe
      ......1152       8   8.9  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .3.....3.3       3   6.7  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....3.33..       3   6.7  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ........*.       1   9.0  Baal
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
      .......*..       1   8.0  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Bubble Bobble
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......135       6   9.3  Chaos Strikes Back
 *    *.........       1   1.0  Cyberball
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......135      14   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .....*....       4   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....1142.       7   7.9  Falcon
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Fighter Bomber
      ......5.5.       6   8.0  Flight Simulator
      .......*..       1   8.0  Full Metal Planet
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Future Wars
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ........55       2   9.5  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...1..214.       7   7.6  Joust
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Lotus Esprit Challenge
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Mean Streets
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Midimaze
      .....55...       2   6.5  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      .......521       7   8.6  Populous
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Powermonger
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Prince Of Persia
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      .....244..       5   7.2  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ..5.5.....       2   4.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....2222.       4   7.5  Silent Service
      ......2.52       4   8.8  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       2   8.0  Space Quest III
      .......*..       2   8.0  Speedball II
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.5111.       8   6.5  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      .....333..       3   7.0  Sundog
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      .....414..       7   7.0  Time Bandit
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......*..       2   8.0  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng 1906 milvia street berkeley california 94704
..!uunet!irss.njit.edu!erc ...!ucbvax!radon!erc
erc@irss.njit.edu            erc@radon.berkeley.edu

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (04/01/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.


New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111220      50   7.1  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      62   6.4  California Games
      ..00001321      52   8.0  Chip's Challenge
      .00212110.      45   5.8  Electrocop
      0.0003120.      43   6.3  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0123200.      44   5.6  Gauntlet III
      ......1133      37   9.0  Klax
      ..1..1.7..       8   7.1  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..013.02..      11   5.6  Paperboy
      ...1..1411       7   7.7  Rampage
      ....100421      19   7.9  Roadblasters
      ..0.1211.0      11   6.5  Robosquash
      .....244..       5   7.2  Rygar
      ........64       5   9.4  Shanghai
      ...0013210      35   7.3  Slime World
      ....003121      22   7.9  Xenophobe
      ......1153      10   9.0  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .3.....3.3       3   6.7  Airball
      ..22.5....       4   4.8  Arctic Fox
      ....3.33..       3   6.7  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ..5.....5.       2   6.0  Baal
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       2   6.0  Batman
      ......*...       1   7.0  Battlemaster
      .......*..       1   8.0  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....5...5       2   8.0  Blood Money
      .......*..       1   8.0  Bloodwych
      .....*....       1   6.0  Blue Angels
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ......*...       1   7.0  Bubble Bobble
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .......*..       1   8.0  Chambers Of Shaolin
      .......135       6   9.3  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Chrono Quest 2
      *.........       1   1.0  Cyberball
      .....*....       1   6.0  Demon's Winter
      ......*...       1   7.0  Dogs Of War
      .......135      14   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .*........       1   2.0  E-Swat
      .....82...       5   6.2  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .........*       1  10.0  F-19 Stealth Fighter
      .....1142.       7   7.9  Falcon
      ......*...       1   7.0  Fighter Bomber
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fire Brigade
      ......5.5.       6   8.0  Flight Simulator
      .......*..       1   8.0  Full Metal Planet
      .......*..       1   8.0  Future Wars
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Geisha
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      .....*....       1   6.0  Golden Axe
      ..2..422..       5   6.0  Goldrunner
      ......3.33       3   8.7  Gunship
      ......*...       1   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .......*..       1   8.0  Imperium
      .....*....       1   6.0  Jinxter
      ...1..215.       8   7.8  Joust
      ...*......       1   4.0  Jungle Book, The
      .....55...       2   6.5  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .......*..       1   8.0  Lombard Rally
      ........*.       1   9.0  Lotus Esprit Challenge
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Mean 18
      ......*...       1   7.0  Mean Streets
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Midimaze
      .....63...       3   6.3  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      ...*......       1   4.0  Oliver And Compagnie
      ..22.2.2..       4   5.2  Pawn, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Phantasie III
      ......*...       1   7.0  Pipemania
      .......521       7   8.6  Populous
      .......*..       1   8.0  Powermonger
      .......*..       1   8.0  Prince Of Persia
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      .....244..       5   7.2  R-Type
      ....424...       5   6.0  Return Of The Jedi, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Rick Dangerous 2
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..131..       6   5.5  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ..5.5.....       2   4.0  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....2222.       4   7.5  Silent Service
      ......2.52       4   8.8  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....63...       3   6.3  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       3   8.0  Space Quest III
      .......*..       2   8.0  Speedball II
      .....55...       2   6.5  Star Wars
      ...1.5111.       8   6.5  Starglider
      .......*..       1   8.0  Starglider II
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Strider II
      ...2.222..       4   6.2  Sundog
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Super Cars, The
      .......*..       1   8.0  Supremacy
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .........*       1  10.0  Team Yankee
      .*........       1   2.0  Terrorpods
      ...*......       1   4.0  Tetris
      ......*...       1   7.0  Third Courier, The
      .....414..       7   7.0  Time Bandit
      .......*..       1   8.0  Toyota Celica G.T.
      .........*       1  10.0  Ultima IV
      .....*....       1   6.0  Ultimate Ride, The
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......63.       3   8.3  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ...3...3.3       3   7.3  Xenon
      .......55.       2   8.5  Xenon 2
      .5..11.1..       6   4.2  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (04/17/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.

If you "reply" to this article, your message will most likely go
directly to the video games ratings server, which silently ignores
everything which is not a vote.



New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111220      53   7.2  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      66   6.4  California Games
      ..00001322      54   8.1  Chip's Challenge
      .00211110.      48   5.9  Electrocop
      0.0003121.      46   6.4  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0113200.      46   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......1133      39   9.0  Klax
      ..1..3.6..      10   6.9  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..013.12..      13   5.7  Paperboy
      ...1..2311       8   7.6  Rampage
      ....000411      21   8.0  Roadblasters
      ..0.122100      13   6.7  Robosquash
      .....153..       6   7.2  Rygar
      .1......52       7   8.3  Shanghai
      ...0013210      38   7.4  Slime World
      ....003121      22   7.9  Xenophobe
      ......0052      11   9.0  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
      .2...2.2.2       4   6.5  Airball
      ..22.6....       5   5.0  Arctic Fox
      ...113111.       8   6.4  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
      ..33....3.       3   5.3  Baal
      .1..3111..       6   5.5  Barbarian
      .......*..       2   8.0  Bard's Tale I
      .....*....       3   6.0  Batman
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Battlehawks 1942
      ......*...       1   7.0  Battlemaster
      .......*..       1   8.0  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....3.3.3       3   8.0  Blood Money
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Bloodwych
      .....*....       1   6.0  Blue Angels
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ......*...       1   7.0  Bubble Bobble
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
 *    .*........       1   2.0  Captain Blood
 *    .........*       1  10.0  Captive
      .......*..       1   8.0  Chambers Of Shaolin
      .......343      10   9.0  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....*....       1   6.0  Chrono Quest 2
      5.5.......       2   2.0  Cyberball
      ..3..3.3..       3   5.7  Demon's Winter
      ....5.5...       2   6.0  Dogs Of War
      .......144      19   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .*........       1   2.0  E-Swat
      .....63...       6   6.3  Empire Strikes Back, The
      .....3.3.3       3   8.0  F-19 Stealth Fighter
      .....1233.       9   7.9  Falcon
 *    .....*....       1   6.0  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
      ......*...       1   7.0  Fighter Bomber
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fire Brigade
      .....1313.       8   7.8  Flight Simulator
      .......*..       1   8.0  Full Metal Planet
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Future Wars
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Geisha
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Golden Axe
      ..1..421..       7   6.1  Goldrunner
      ....2.2.22       4   7.8  Gunship
      ....3.3.3.       3   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
      .......*..       1   8.0  Imperium
      .....63...       3   6.3  Jinxter
      ...11.314.      10   7.4  Joust
      ...*......       1   4.0  Jungle Book, The
 *    .*........       1   2.0  Knight Orc
      ....333...       3   6.0  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....6.3..       3   6.7  Leisure Suit Larry II
      .....5.5..       2   7.0  Lombard Rally
      .5......5.       2   5.5  Lotus Esprit Challenge
      .....522..       4   6.8  Mean 18
      ......*...       1   7.0  Mean Streets
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ......2.44       5   9.0  Midimaze
      .....63...       3   6.3  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Oids
      ...*......       1   4.0  Oliver And Compagnie
      ..11.311..       6   5.7  Pawn, The
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Phantasie I
 *    ....*.....       1   5.0  Phantasie II
      .....5..5.       2   7.5  Phantasie III
      ......*...       1   7.0  Pipemania
      .......522       9   8.7  Populous
      .......*..       2   8.0  Powermonger
      ......55..       2   7.5  Prince Of Persia
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ....1133..       6   6.8  R-Type
      ...1313...       6   5.7  Return Of The Jedi, The
      ........*.       1   9.0  Rick Dangerous 2
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..1211.       7   6.0  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
      ...112211.       8   6.5  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
      ..3.33....       3   4.7  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....2222.       4   7.5  Silent Service
      .....12.22       7   8.3  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....72...       4   6.2  Space Harrier II
      .......*..       5   8.0  Space Quest III
      .......6.3       3   8.7  Speedball II
      .....4222.       5   7.2  Star Wars
      ...2.3200.      13   6.2  Starglider
      .....333..       3   7.0  Starglider II
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Strider II
      ...1.113.1       6   7.2  Sundog
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Super Cars, The
      .......*..       1   8.0  Supremacy
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .........*       1  10.0  Team Yankee
      33.3......       3   2.3  Terrorpods
      ...55.....       2   4.5  Tetris
 *    .........*       1  10.0  Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
      ......*...       1   7.0  Third Courier, The
      .....403.0      11   7.2  Time Bandit
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Tower Toppler
      .......*..       1   8.0  Toyota Celica G.T.
 *    ....*.....       1   5.0  Ultima III
      ......5..5       2   8.5  Ultima IV
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Ultima V
      .....*....       1   6.0  Ultimate Ride, The
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......63.       3   8.3  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Wrath Of The Daemon
      ...1..15.1       6   7.5  Xenon
      .......55.       4   8.5  Xenon 2
      .4..21.1..       7   4.3  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (05/01/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.

If you "reply" to this article, your message will most likely go
directly to the video games ratings server, which silently ignores
everything which is not a vote.



New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111220      55   7.3  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      69   6.4  California Games
      ..00001322      57   8.1  Chip's Challenge
      .00211120.      50   6.0  Electrocop
      0.0002121.      48   6.4  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0113200.      47   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......1133      40   9.0  Klax
      ..0..3.5..      11   6.8  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..013.22..      14   5.8  Paperboy
      ...2..2311       9   7.2  Rampage
      ....000411      22   8.0  Roadblasters
      ..0.122100      14   6.7  Robosquash
      .1...143..       9   6.7  Rygar
      .1......52       7   8.3  Shanghai
      ...0013210      41   7.5  Slime World
      ....003121      25   7.8  Xenophobe
      ......1152      14   8.8  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  A Mind Forever Voyaging
      .       5   6.0  Airball
      1.11.5....       6   4.3  Arctic Fox
      ...114111.       9   6.3  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
 *    ....5.5...       2   6.0  Autoduel
      ..22..2.2.       4   5.8  Baal
      .1..2121..       7   5.7  Barbarian
      .......72.       4   8.2  Bard's Tale I
      .2...7....       4   5.0  Batman
      ....5.5...       2   6.0  Battlehawks 1942
      ......*...       1   7.0  Battlemaster
 *    .....*....       1   6.0  Battletech
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Blasteroids
      ......55..       2   7.5  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....2.5.2       4   8.0  Blood Money
      ....3..6..       3   7.0  Bloodwych
      .....*....       1   6.0  Blue Angels
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ..5...5...       2   5.0  Bubble Bobble
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .5.......5       2   6.0  Captain Blood
      .........*       2  10.0  Captive
      .......*..       1   8.0  Chambers Of Shaolin
      .......233      11   9.1  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....55...       2   6.5  Chrono Quest 2
      5.5.......       2   2.0  Cyberball
      ..2..2.5..       4   6.2  Demon's Winter
      ....5.5...       2   6.0  Dogs Of War
      .......035      21   9.4  Dungeon Master
      .*........       1   2.0  E-Swat
      ....152...       7   6.1  Empire Strikes Back, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  F-15 Strike Eagle
      .....2.6.2       5   8.0  F-19 Stealth Fighter
      .....01230      11   8.2  Falcon
 *    .........*       1  10.0  Falcon Mission Disk 1
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
      ......*...       2   7.0  Fighter Bomber
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fire Brigade
      .....1413.       9   7.7  Flight Simulator
      ......55..       2   7.5  Full Metal Planet
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Future Wars
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Gauntlet
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Geisha
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Go Player
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Golden Axe
      ..1..521..       8   6.1  Goldrunner
      ....2.2.42       5   8.0  Gunship
      ....2.2.5.       4   7.5  Heroes Of The Lance
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Hex
 *    ..*.......       1   3.0  Hippo Backgammon
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Hoyle's Book Of Games II
 *    *.........       1   1.0  Jet
      .....52.2.       4   7.0  Jinxter
      ...01.203.      11   7.2  Joust
      ...*......       1   4.0  Jungle Book, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Klax
      .*........       1   2.0  Knight Orc
      ....2222.2       5   7.2  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       4   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
 *    .........*       1  10.0  Lemmings
      .....3.6..       3   7.3  Lombard Rally
      .3......33       3   7.0  Lotus Esprit Challenge
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Major Motion
      .....522..       4   6.8  Mean 18
      ......*...       1   7.0  Mean Streets
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ..1...1.33       6   8.0  Midimaze
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Missile Command
      .....63...       3   6.3  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      .......55.       2   8.5  Oids
      5......5..       2   4.5  Oil Imperium
      ...*......       1   4.0  Oliver And Compagnie
      ..11.2111.       7   6.1  Pawn, The
      ......5..5       2   8.5  Phantasie I
      ....5....5       2   7.5  Phantasie II
      .....3..33       3   8.3  Phantasie III
      ......*...       1   7.0  Pipemania
      .......413      11   8.9  Populous
      .......522       4   8.8  Powermonger
      ......25.2       4   8.2  Prince Of Persia
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ....1133..       6   6.8  R-Type
      ...1222...       7   5.7  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .......55.       2   8.5  Rick Dangerous 2
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..1211.       7   6.0  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Rockford
      ...1123111      10   6.9  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
 *    ....*.....       1   5.0  Sentry
      ..3.33....       3   4.7  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....1222.       7   7.7  Silent Service
      .....12.33       9   8.6  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....72...       4   6.2  Space Harrier II
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Space Quest II
      ......27..       7   7.7  Space Quest III
      .......522       4   8.8  Speedball II
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
      .....3311.       6   7.2  Star Wars
      ...2.3210.      14   6.3  Starglider
      .....252..       4   7.0  Starglider II
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Strider II
      ...1.112.2       7   7.6  Sundog
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Super Cars, The
      .......*..       1   8.0  Supremacy
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .........*       1  10.0  Team Yankee
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Tennis Cup
      22.2...2..       4   3.8  Terrorpods
      ...33....3       3   6.3  Tetris
      .........*       1  10.0  Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
      ......*...       1   7.0  Third Courier, The
      .....413.0      12   7.2  Time Bandit
      ........*.       1   9.0  Tower Toppler
      .......*..       1   8.0  Toyota Celica G.T.
      ....5....5       2   7.5  Ultima III
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Ultima IV
      .......5.5       2   9.0  Ultima V
      .....*....       1   6.0  Ultimate Ride, The
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Universe II
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......522       4   8.8  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ........*.       1   9.0  Wrath Of The Daemon
      ...1..15.1       7   7.6  Xenon
      .......46.       5   8.6  Xenon 2
      .3..22.1..       8   4.5  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (06/04/91)

For information on the list format and on submitting your ratings, see
the end of this posting and the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAMES
RATINGS REPORT" in the newsgroup rec.games.video.

If you "reply" to this article, your message will most likely go
directly to the video games ratings server, which silently ignores
everything which is not a vote.



New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      ..00111220      57   7.3  Blue Lightning
      0.01113100      71   6.4  California Games
      ..00001322      59   8.2  Chip's Challenge
      .00111110.      51   6.0  Electrocop
      0.0003221.      50   6.4  Gates Of Zendocon
      0.0123200.      48   5.7  Gauntlet III
      ......0133      41   9.0  Klax
      ..0.03.5..      12   6.7  Ms. Pac-Man
      ..013.22..      14   5.8  Paperboy
      ...2..2311       9   7.2  Rampage
      ....000411      23   8.0  Roadblasters
      ..0.122100      14   6.7  Robosquash
      .1...143..       9   6.7  Rygar
      .1......52       7   8.3  Shanghai
      ...0013210      42   7.5  Slime World
      ....003121      25   7.8  Xenophobe
      ......1242      15   8.7  Zarlor Mercenary

New  Distribution  Votes  Rank  Title
      .........*       1  10.0  A Day At The Races
 *    ......5.5.       2   8.0  A Mind Forever Voyaging
      .       6   5.5  Airball
      1.11.5....       6   4.3  Arctic Fox
      ...013010.      11   6.4  Arkanoid
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Artura
 *    ....5.5...       2   6.0  Autoduel
      ..22..2.2.       4   5.8  Baal
      .1..2122..       8   6.0  Barbarian
      ..1....511       6   7.7  Bard's Tale I
      .2...7....       4   5.0  Batman
      ....5.5...       2   6.0  Battlehawks 1942
      ......*...       1   7.0  Battlemaster
 *    .....*....       2   6.0  Battletech
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Blasteroids
      ......55..       2   7.5  Block-Out
      ........*.       1   9.0  Blockbuster
      .....2.5.2       4   8.0  Blood Money
      ...22..5..       4   6.2  Bloodwych
      .....*....       1   6.0  Blue Angels
      *.........       1   1.0  Breakers
      ..5...5...       2   5.0  Bubble Bobble
      ........*.       1   9.0  Cadaver
      .3....3..3       3   6.3  Captain Blood
      .........*       2  10.0  Captive
      .......*..       1   8.0  Chambers Of Shaolin
      .......233      13   9.2  Chaos Strikes Back
      .....55...       2   6.5  Chrono Quest 2
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Curse Of The Azure Bonds
      5.5.......       2   2.0  Cyberball
      ..2..2.5..       4   6.2  Demon's Winter
      ....5.5...       2   6.0  Dogs Of War
      ......0044      25   9.3  Dungeon Master
      .*........       1   2.0  E-Swat
      ....252...       8   6.0  Empire Strikes Back, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  F-15 Strike Eagle
      .....2.6.2       5   8.0  F-19 Stealth Fighter
      .....01230      11   8.2  Falcon
 *    .........*       1  10.0  Falcon Mission Disk 1
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
      ......*...       2   7.0  Fighter Bomber
      .....*....       1   6.0  Fire Brigade
      .....1413.       9   7.7  Flight Simulator
      ......55..       2   7.5  Full Metal Planet
      ....5..5..       2   6.5  Future Wars
 *    .2.22..2..       4   4.8  Gauntlet
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Geisha
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Go Player
      .........*       1  10.0  Gold Of The Aztecs
      .....3.33.       3   7.7  Golden Axe
      ..11.421..       9   5.9  Goldrunner
      ....2.2.42       5   8.0  Gunship
      ....4.2.4.       5   7.0  Heroes Of The Lance
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Hex
 *    ..*.......       1   3.0  Hippo Backgammon
 *    .......55.       2   8.5  Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Hoyle's Book Of Games II
 *    *.........       1   1.0  Jet
      .....52.2.       4   7.0  Jinxter
      ...01.2030      12   7.4  Joust
      ...*......       1   4.0  Jungle Book, The
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Klax
      .*........       1   2.0  Knight Orc
      ....1111.3       6   7.7  Leisure Suit Larry I
      .....5.5..       4   7.0  Leisure Suit Larry II
 *    .........*       2  10.0  Lemmings
      .....3.6..       3   7.3  Lombard Rally
      .2......25       4   7.8  Lotus Esprit Challenge
 *    .....5..5.       2   7.5  Major Motion
      .....522..       4   6.8  Mean 18
      ......*...       1   7.0  Mean Streets
      ........*.       1   9.0  Microleague Baseball
      ..1...1.33       6   8.0  Midimaze
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Missile Command
      .....63...       3   6.3  Mission Impossible II
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Moebius
      .*........       1   2.0  Nine Princes In Amber
      .......*..       1   8.0  Obliterator
      .......333       3   9.0  Oids
      5......5..       2   4.5  Oil Imperium
      ...*......       1   4.0  Oliver And Compagnie
      ..11.2121.       8   6.4  Pawn, The
      ......5..5       2   8.5  Phantasie I
      ....5....5       2   7.5  Phantasie II
      .....3..33       3   8.3  Phantasie III
      ......*...       1   7.0  Pipemania
      .......323      13   9.0  Populous
      .......522       4   8.8  Powermonger
      ......2422       5   8.4  Prince Of Persia
      ........*.       1   9.0  Pro Tennis Tour
      ........*.       1   9.0  Questron II
      ....1133..       6   6.8  R-Type
      ...1222...       7   5.7  Return Of The Jedi, The
      .......55.       2   8.5  Rick Dangerous 2
      .....*....       1   6.0  Rings Of Zilfin
      .11..1211.       7   6.0  Roadwar 2000
      ......*...       1   7.0  Rocket Ranger
 *    .......*..       1   8.0  Rockford
      ...1123111      10   6.9  Rogue
      ...5..5...       2   5.5  Rolling Thunder
 *    ....*.....       1   5.0  Sentry
      ..3.33....       3   4.7  Shadow Of The Beast
      .....2242.       5   7.6  Shanghai
      .....1222.       7   7.7  Silent Service
      .....12.33       9   8.6  Simcity
      ..*.......       1   3.0  Sorcerer Lord
      .....72...       4   6.2  Space Harrier II
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Space Quest II
      ......27..       7   7.7  Space Quest III
      .......522       4   8.8  Speedball II
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
      ....12311.       8   6.9  Star Wars
      ...2.3210.      14   6.3  Starglider
      ....2242..       5   6.6  Starglider II
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Strider II
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Stunt Car Racer
      ...1.212.2       8   7.4  Sundog
      ....*.....       1   5.0  Super Cars, The
      .......*..       1   8.0  Supremacy
      .......*..       1   8.0  T.V. Sports Football
      .........*       1  10.0  Team Yankee
 *    ........*.       1   9.0  Tennis Cup
      22.2...2..       4   3.8  Terrorpods
      ...33....3       3   6.3  Tetris
      ........55       2   9.5  Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
      ......*...       1   7.0  Third Courier, The
      .....413.0      13   7.1  Time Bandit
      ........*.       1   9.0  Tower Toppler
      .......*..       1   8.0  Toyota Celica G.T.
      ....5....5       2   7.5  Ultima III
      ......3..6       3   9.0  Ultima IV
      .......333       3   9.0  Ultima V
      .....*....       1   6.0  Ultimate Ride, The
 *    ......*...       1   7.0  Universe II
      .....55...       2   6.5  Wargame Construction Set
      .......522       4   8.8  Wayne Gretzky Hockey
      ........*.       1   9.0  Wrath Of The Daemon
      ...1.115.1       9   7.4  Xenon
      .......46.       5   8.6  Xenon 2
      .3..22.1..       8   4.5  Xevious

In this list, games have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the
best and 1 being the worst.  For each game, the total number of votes,
the average rating, and the vote distribution are shown.  New games are
indicated by a "*" before their entry.  If a "(C)" appears after the
title it means that the game is a CD-ROM or disc system title.  If a
"(J)" appears after the title it means that the game is currently only
available in Japan.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the
percentage of votes for each ranking.  The following character codes can

     "." no votes cast        "3" 30-39% of the votes  "7" 70-79% of the votes
     "0"  1-9%  of the votes  "4" 40-49% of the votes  "8" 80-89% of the votes
     "1" 10-19% of the votes  "5" 50-59% of the votes  "9" 90-99% of the votes
     "2" 20-29% of the votes  "6" 60-69% of the votes  "*" 100%   of the votes

Please consult the article entitled "ABOUT THE VIDEO GAME RATINGS REPORT"
in the newsgroup rec.games.video for more details, including information
on how to vote.

Questions, comments, problems, and errors should be directed to the list
maintainer at either of the below addresses:

eric ng