erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (04/01/91)

To use this ballot, just hit "R".  Once in your editor, insert your game
rating between the word "vote" and the system code and game title.  Your
rating must be an integer between 1 and 10.  There must be at least one
blank on either side of your rating.  Make sure the word vote appears at
the start of each rating.     

If you do not want to rate a particular game, just DELETE THAT LINE FROM
THE BALLOT.  When you are finished, SAVE THE FILE, and exit the editor.
The votes will be sent to the game rating tabulator.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

If you want to vote for additional games, just add them at the end, in
a format similar to the existing entries.  Be sure to include the system
code right before the title.  This code is one of the below:

AL = Atari Lynx				AM = Commodore Amiga
GB = Nintendo Game Boy			GS = Apple II GS
MA = Apple Macintosh			NE = Nintendo NES and Famicom
PC = IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles	SG = Sega Genesis and MegaDrive
SF = Nintendo Super Famicom		ST = Atari ST
TG = NEC TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress,
     and PC Engine

Thanks for participating in the rec.games.video ratings poll.  (This
text was adapted from Chuck Musciano's rec.arts.movies ballots and John
Leo's rec.games.video ballots.)


      v--- place your rating right here!
vote     Al Blue Lightning
vote     Al California Games
vote     Al Chip's Challenge
vote     Al Electrocop
vote     Al Gates Of Zendocon
vote     Al Gauntlet III
vote     Al Klax
vote     Al Ms. Pac-Man
vote     Al Paperboy
vote     Al Rampage
vote     Al Roadblasters
vote     Al Robosquash
vote     Al Rygar
vote     Al Shanghai
vote     Al Slime World
vote     Al Xenophobe
vote     Al Zarlor Mercenary
vote     St A Day At The Races
vote     St Airball
vote     St Arctic Fox
vote     St Arkanoid
vote     St Artura
vote     St Baal
vote     St Barbarian
vote     St Bard's Tale I
vote     St Batman
vote     St Battlemaster
vote     St Block-Out
vote     St Blockbuster
vote     St Blood Money
vote     St Bloodwych
vote     St Blue Angels
vote     St Breakers
vote     St Bubble Bobble
vote     St Cadaver
vote     St Chambers Of Shaolin
vote     St Chaos Strikes Back
vote     St Chrono Quest 2
vote     St Cyberball
vote     St Demon's Winter
vote     St Dogs Of War
vote     St Dungeon Master
vote     St E-Swat
vote     St Empire Strikes Back, The
vote     St F-19 Stealth Fighter
vote     St Falcon
vote     St Fighter Bomber
vote     St Fire Brigade
vote     St Flight Simulator
vote     St Full Metal Planet
vote     St Future Wars
vote     St Geisha
vote     St Gold Of The Aztecs
vote     St Golden Axe
vote     St Goldrunner
vote     St Gunship
vote     St Heroes Of The Lance
vote     St Imperium
vote     St Jinxter
vote     St Joust
vote     St Jungle Book, The
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry I
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry II
vote     St Lombard Rally
vote     St Lotus Esprit Challenge
vote     St Mean 18
vote     St Mean Streets
vote     St Microleague Baseball
vote     St Midimaze
vote     St Mission Impossible II
vote     St Moebius
vote     St Nine Princes In Amber
vote     St Obliterator
vote     St Oliver And Compagnie
vote     St Pawn, The
vote     St Phantasie III
vote     St Pipemania
vote     St Populous
vote     St Powermonger
vote     St Prince Of Persia
vote     St Pro Tennis Tour
vote     St Questron II
vote     St R-Type
vote     St Return Of The Jedi, The
vote     St Rick Dangerous 2
vote     St Rings Of Zilfin
vote     St Roadwar 2000
vote     St Rocket Ranger
vote     St Rogue
vote     St Rolling Thunder
vote     St Shadow Of The Beast
vote     St Shanghai
vote     St Silent Service
vote     St Simcity
vote     St Sorcerer Lord
vote     St Space Harrier II
vote     St Space Quest III
vote     St Speedball II
vote     St Star Wars
vote     St Starglider
vote     St Starglider II
vote     St Strider II
vote     St Sundog
vote     St Super Cars, The
vote     St Supremacy
vote     St T.V. Sports Football
vote     St Team Yankee
vote     St Terrorpods
vote     St Tetris
vote     St Third Courier, The
vote     St Time Bandit
vote     St Toyota Celica G.T.
vote     St Ultima IV
vote     St Ultimate Ride, The
vote     St Wargame Construction Set
vote     St Wayne Gretzky Hockey
vote     St Xenon
vote     St Xenon 2
vote     St Xevious
eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (04/17/91)

To use this ballot, just hit "R".  Once in your editor, insert your game
rating between the word "vote" and the system code and game title.  Your
rating must be an integer between 1 and 10.  There must be at least one
blank on either side of your rating.  Make sure the word vote appears at
the start of each rating.     

If you do not want to rate a particular game, just DELETE THAT LINE FROM
THE BALLOT.  When you are finished, SAVE THE FILE, and exit the editor.
The votes will be sent to the game rating tabulator.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

If you want to vote for additional games, just add them at the end, in
a format similar to the existing entries.  Be sure to include the system
code right before the title.  This code is one of the below:

AL = Atari Lynx				AM = Commodore Amiga
GB = Nintendo Game Boy			GG = Sega Game Gear
GS = Apple II GS			MA = Apple Macintosh
NE = Nintendo NES and Famicom		NG = SNK NeoGeo
PC = IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles	SG = Sega Genesis and MegaDrive
SF = Nintendo Super Famicom		ST = Atari ST
TG = NEC TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress,
     and PC Engine

Thanks for participating in the rec.games.video ratings poll.  (This
text was adapted from Chuck Musciano's rec.arts.movies ballots and John
Leo's rec.games.video ballots.)


      v--- place your rating right here!
vote     Al Blue Lightning
vote     Al California Games
vote     Al Chip's Challenge
vote     Al Electrocop
vote     Al Gates Of Zendocon
vote     Al Gauntlet III
vote     Al Klax
vote     Al Ms. Pac-Man
vote     Al Paperboy
vote     Al Rampage
vote     Al Roadblasters
vote     Al Robosquash
vote     Al Rygar
vote     Al Shanghai
vote     Al Slime World
vote     Al Xenophobe
vote     Al Zarlor Mercenary
vote     St A Day At The Races
vote     St Airball
vote     St Arctic Fox
vote     St Arkanoid
vote     St Artura
vote     St Baal
vote     St Barbarian
vote     St Bard's Tale I
vote     St Batman
vote     St Battlehawks 1942
vote     St Battlemaster
vote     St Block-Out
vote     St Blockbuster
vote     St Blood Money
vote     St Bloodwych
vote     St Blue Angels
vote     St Breakers
vote     St Bubble Bobble
vote     St Cadaver
vote     St Captain Blood
vote     St Captive
vote     St Chambers Of Shaolin
vote     St Chaos Strikes Back
vote     St Chrono Quest 2
vote     St Cyberball
vote     St Demon's Winter
vote     St Dogs Of War
vote     St Dungeon Master
vote     St E-Swat
vote     St Empire Strikes Back, The
vote     St F-19 Stealth Fighter
vote     St Falcon
vote     St Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
vote     St Fighter Bomber
vote     St Fire Brigade
vote     St Flight Simulator
vote     St Full Metal Planet
vote     St Future Wars
vote     St Geisha
vote     St Gold Of The Aztecs
vote     St Golden Axe
vote     St Goldrunner
vote     St Gunship
vote     St Heroes Of The Lance
vote     St Imperium
vote     St Jinxter
vote     St Joust
vote     St Jungle Book, The
vote     St Knight Orc
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry I
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry II
vote     St Lombard Rally
vote     St Lotus Esprit Challenge
vote     St Mean 18
vote     St Mean Streets
vote     St Microleague Baseball
vote     St Midimaze
vote     St Mission Impossible II
vote     St Moebius
vote     St Nine Princes In Amber
vote     St Obliterator
vote     St Oids
vote     St Oliver And Compagnie
vote     St Pawn, The
vote     St Phantasie I
vote     St Phantasie II
vote     St Phantasie III
vote     St Pipemania
vote     St Populous
vote     St Powermonger
vote     St Prince Of Persia
vote     St Pro Tennis Tour
vote     St Questron II
vote     St R-Type
vote     St Return Of The Jedi, The
vote     St Rick Dangerous 2
vote     St Rings Of Zilfin
vote     St Roadwar 2000
vote     St Rocket Ranger
vote     St Rogue
vote     St Rolling Thunder
vote     St Shadow Of The Beast
vote     St Shanghai
vote     St Silent Service
vote     St Simcity
vote     St Sorcerer Lord
vote     St Space Harrier II
vote     St Space Quest III
vote     St Speedball II
vote     St Star Wars
vote     St Starglider
vote     St Starglider II
vote     St Strider II
vote     St Sundog
vote     St Super Cars, The
vote     St Supremacy
vote     St T.V. Sports Football
vote     St Team Yankee
vote     St Terrorpods
vote     St Tetris
vote     St Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
vote     St Third Courier, The
vote     St Time Bandit
vote     St Tower Toppler
vote     St Toyota Celica G.T.
vote     St Ultima III
vote     St Ultima IV
vote     St Ultima V
vote     St Ultimate Ride, The
vote     St Wargame Construction Set
vote     St Wayne Gretzky Hockey
vote     St Wrath Of The Daemon
vote     St Xenon
vote     St Xenon 2
vote     St Xevious
eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (05/01/91)

To use this ballot, just hit "R".  Once in your editor, insert your game
rating between the word "vote" and the system code and game title.  Your
rating must be an integer between 1 and 10.  There must be at least one
blank on either side of your rating.  Make sure the word vote appears at
the start of each rating.     

If you do not want to rate a particular game, just DELETE THAT LINE FROM
THE BALLOT.  When you are finished, SAVE THE FILE, and exit the editor.
The votes will be sent to the game rating tabulator.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

If you want to vote for additional games, just add them at the end, in
a format similar to the existing entries.  Be sure to include the system
code right before the title.  This code is one of the below:

AL = Atari Lynx				AM = Commodore Amiga
GB = Nintendo Game Boy			GG = Sega Game Gear
GS = Apple II GS			MA = Apple Macintosh
NE = Nintendo NES and Famicom		NG = SNK NeoGeo
PC = IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles	SG = Sega Genesis and MegaDrive
SF = Nintendo Super Famicom		ST = Atari ST
TG = NEC TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress,
     and PC Engine

Thanks for participating in the rec.games.video ratings poll.  (This
text was adapted from Chuck Musciano's rec.arts.movies ballots and John
Leo's rec.games.video ballots.)


      v--- place your rating right here!
vote     Al Blue Lightning
vote     Al California Games
vote     Al Chip's Challenge
vote     Al Electrocop
vote     Al Gates Of Zendocon
vote     Al Gauntlet III
vote     Al Klax
vote     Al Ms. Pac-Man
vote     Al Paperboy
vote     Al Rampage
vote     Al Roadblasters
vote     Al Robosquash
vote     Al Rygar
vote     Al Shanghai
vote     Al Slime World
vote     Al Xenophobe
vote     Al Zarlor Mercenary
vote     St A Day At The Races
vote     St A Mind Forever Voyaging
vote     St Airball
vote     St Arctic Fox
vote     St Arkanoid
vote     St Artura
vote     St Autoduel
vote     St Baal
vote     St Barbarian
vote     St Bard's Tale I
vote     St Batman
vote     St Battlehawks 1942
vote     St Battlemaster
vote     St Battletech
vote     St Blasteroids
vote     St Block-Out
vote     St Blockbuster
vote     St Blood Money
vote     St Bloodwych
vote     St Blue Angels
vote     St Breakers
vote     St Bubble Bobble
vote     St Cadaver
vote     St Captain Blood
vote     St Captive
vote     St Chambers Of Shaolin
vote     St Chaos Strikes Back
vote     St Chrono Quest 2
vote     St Cyberball
vote     St Demon's Winter
vote     St Dogs Of War
vote     St Dungeon Master
vote     St E-Swat
vote     St Empire Strikes Back, The
vote     St F-15 Strike Eagle
vote     St F-19 Stealth Fighter
vote     St Falcon
vote     St Falcon Mission Disk 1
vote     St Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
vote     St Fighter Bomber
vote     St Fire Brigade
vote     St Flight Simulator
vote     St Full Metal Planet
vote     St Future Wars
vote     St Gauntlet
vote     St Geisha
vote     St Go Player
vote     St Gold Of The Aztecs
vote     St Golden Axe
vote     St Goldrunner
vote     St Gunship
vote     St Heroes Of The Lance
vote     St Hex
vote     St Hippo Backgammon
vote     St Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The
vote     St Hoyle's Book Of Games II
vote     St Jet
vote     St Jinxter
vote     St Joust
vote     St Jungle Book, The
vote     St Klax
vote     St Knight Orc
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry I
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry II
vote     St Lemmings
vote     St Lombard Rally
vote     St Lotus Esprit Challenge
vote     St Major Motion
vote     St Mean 18
vote     St Mean Streets
vote     St Microleague Baseball
vote     St Midimaze
vote     St Missile Command
vote     St Mission Impossible II
vote     St Moebius
vote     St Nine Princes In Amber
vote     St Obliterator
vote     St Oids
vote     St Oil Imperium
vote     St Oliver And Compagnie
vote     St Pawn, The
vote     St Phantasie I
vote     St Phantasie II
vote     St Phantasie III
vote     St Pipemania
vote     St Populous
vote     St Powermonger
vote     St Prince Of Persia
vote     St Pro Tennis Tour
vote     St Questron II
vote     St R-Type
vote     St Return Of The Jedi, The
vote     St Rick Dangerous 2
vote     St Rings Of Zilfin
vote     St Roadwar 2000
vote     St Rocket Ranger
vote     St Rockford
vote     St Rogue
vote     St Rolling Thunder
vote     St Sentry
vote     St Shadow Of The Beast
vote     St Shanghai
vote     St Silent Service
vote     St Simcity
vote     St Sorcerer Lord
vote     St Space Harrier II
vote     St Space Quest II
vote     St Space Quest III
vote     St Speedball II
vote     St Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
vote     St Star Wars
vote     St Starglider
vote     St Starglider II
vote     St Strider II
vote     St Sundog
vote     St Super Cars, The
vote     St Supremacy
vote     St T.V. Sports Football
vote     St Team Yankee
vote     St Tennis Cup
vote     St Terrorpods
vote     St Tetris
vote     St Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
vote     St Third Courier, The
vote     St Time Bandit
vote     St Tower Toppler
vote     St Toyota Celica G.T.
vote     St Ultima III
vote     St Ultima IV
vote     St Ultima V
vote     St Ultimate Ride, The
vote     St Universe II
vote     St Wargame Construction Set
vote     St Wayne Gretzky Hockey
vote     St Wrath Of The Daemon
vote     St Xenon
vote     St Xenon 2
vote     St Xevious
eric ng

erc@radon.berkeley.edu (Eric Ng) (06/04/91)

To use this ballot, just hit "R".  Once in your editor, insert your game
rating between the word "vote" and the system code and game title.  Your
rating must be an integer between 1 and 10.  There must be at least one
blank on either side of your rating.  Make sure the word vote appears at
the start of each rating.     

If you do not want to rate a particular game, just DELETE THAT LINE FROM
THE BALLOT.  When you are finished, SAVE THE FILE, and exit the editor.
The votes will be sent to the game rating tabulator.

The general guideline for ratings is:

8-10 worth buying at full price
6-7  worth buying at a discount, or if you're particularly interested
     in this kind of game
3-5  only worth renting
2    only worth playing for free, and only for a few minutes
1    worthless

If you want to vote for additional games, just add them at the end, in
a format similar to the existing entries.  Be sure to include the system
code right before the title.  This code is one of the below:

AL = Atari Lynx				AM = Commodore Amiga
GB = Nintendo Game Boy			GG = Sega Game Gear
GS = Apple II GS			MA = Apple Macintosh
NE = Nintendo NES and Famicom		NG = SNK NeoGeo
PC = IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles	SG = Sega Genesis and MegaDrive
SF = Nintendo Super Famicom		ST = Atari ST
TG = NEC TurboGrafx-16, TurboExpress,
     and PC Engine

Thanks for participating in the rec.games.video ratings poll.  (This
text was adapted from Chuck Musciano's rec.arts.movies ballots and John
Leo's rec.games.video ballots.)


      v--- place your rating right here!
vote     Al Blue Lightning
vote     Al California Games
vote     Al Chip's Challenge
vote     Al Electrocop
vote     Al Gates Of Zendocon
vote     Al Gauntlet III
vote     Al Klax
vote     Al Ms. Pac-Man
vote     Al Paperboy
vote     Al Rampage
vote     Al Roadblasters
vote     Al Robosquash
vote     Al Rygar
vote     Al Shanghai
vote     Al Slime World
vote     Al Xenophobe
vote     Al Zarlor Mercenary
vote     St A Day At The Races
vote     St A Mind Forever Voyaging
vote     St Airball
vote     St Arctic Fox
vote     St Arkanoid
vote     St Artura
vote     St Autoduel
vote     St Baal
vote     St Barbarian
vote     St Bard's Tale I
vote     St Batman
vote     St Battlehawks 1942
vote     St Battlemaster
vote     St Battletech
vote     St Blasteroids
vote     St Block-Out
vote     St Blockbuster
vote     St Blood Money
vote     St Bloodwych
vote     St Blue Angels
vote     St Breakers
vote     St Bubble Bobble
vote     St Cadaver
vote     St Captain Blood
vote     St Captive
vote     St Chambers Of Shaolin
vote     St Chaos Strikes Back
vote     St Chrono Quest 2
vote     St Curse Of The Azure Bonds
vote     St Cyberball
vote     St Demon's Winter
vote     St Dogs Of War
vote     St Dungeon Master
vote     St E-Swat
vote     St Empire Strikes Back, The
vote     St F-15 Strike Eagle
vote     St F-19 Stealth Fighter
vote     St Falcon
vote     St Falcon Mission Disk 1
vote     St Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
vote     St Fighter Bomber
vote     St Fire Brigade
vote     St Flight Simulator
vote     St Full Metal Planet
vote     St Future Wars
vote     St Gauntlet
vote     St Geisha
vote     St Go Player
vote     St Gold Of The Aztecs
vote     St Golden Axe
vote     St Goldrunner
vote     St Gunship
vote     St Heroes Of The Lance
vote     St Hex
vote     St Hippo Backgammon
vote     St Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The
vote     St Hoyle's Book Of Games II
vote     St Jet
vote     St Jinxter
vote     St Joust
vote     St Jungle Book, The
vote     St Klax
vote     St Knight Orc
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry I
vote     St Leisure Suit Larry II
vote     St Lemmings
vote     St Lombard Rally
vote     St Lotus Esprit Challenge
vote     St Major Motion
vote     St Mean 18
vote     St Mean Streets
vote     St Microleague Baseball
vote     St Midimaze
vote     St Missile Command
vote     St Mission Impossible II
vote     St Moebius
vote     St Nine Princes In Amber
vote     St Obliterator
vote     St Oids
vote     St Oil Imperium
vote     St Oliver And Compagnie
vote     St Pawn, The
vote     St Phantasie I
vote     St Phantasie II
vote     St Phantasie III
vote     St Pipemania
vote     St Populous
vote     St Powermonger
vote     St Prince Of Persia
vote     St Pro Tennis Tour
vote     St Questron II
vote     St R-Type
vote     St Return Of The Jedi, The
vote     St Rick Dangerous 2
vote     St Rings Of Zilfin
vote     St Roadwar 2000
vote     St Rocket Ranger
vote     St Rockford
vote     St Rogue
vote     St Rolling Thunder
vote     St Sentry
vote     St Shadow Of The Beast
vote     St Shanghai
vote     St Silent Service
vote     St Simcity
vote     St Sorcerer Lord
vote     St Space Harrier II
vote     St Space Quest II
vote     St Space Quest III
vote     St Speedball II
vote     St Star Trek: The Rebel Universe
vote     St Star Wars
vote     St Starglider
vote     St Starglider II
vote     St Strider II
vote     St Stunt Car Racer
vote     St Sundog
vote     St Super Cars, The
vote     St Supremacy
vote     St T.V. Sports Football
vote     St Team Yankee
vote     St Tennis Cup
vote     St Terrorpods
vote     St Tetris
vote     St Their Finest Hour: Battle Of Britain
vote     St Third Courier, The
vote     St Time Bandit
vote     St Tower Toppler
vote     St Toyota Celica G.T.
vote     St Ultima III
vote     St Ultima IV
vote     St Ultima V
vote     St Ultimate Ride, The
vote     St Universe II
vote     St Wargame Construction Set
vote     St Wayne Gretzky Hockey
vote     St Wrath Of The Daemon
vote     St Xenon
vote     St Xenon 2
vote     St Xevious
eric ng