[rec.games.hack] Proposal: Hack release 1.0.4

mike@genat.UUCP (Mike Stephenson) (03/06/87)

[Line eaters are becoming an endangered species]

About a year or so ago, I released a set of patches to Hack 1.0.3, which added
several new features; the Samuri and Ninja classes, a few new weapons and traps,
as well as some bug fixes.  The total size of the patch files needed to update
the 1.0.3 release to the 1.0.3a (as I called it then) release was about 80Kb.

I have just finished several more patches to the program, involving a complete
spell-casting system, another new class of character, some more traps, and
some new magic items, as well as implementation of the "pray" command.  The
patch files required to bring the 1.0.3a release up to 1.0.3b will be about
100Kb, and includes a brand new source module and def file.

The problem with this approach is that I'm positive that some sites are running
1.0.2, or 1.0.3 and have not got access to my previous set of patches.  Thus
they would be useless for some portion of those interested, and I will probably
be deluged with mail asking for the previous set of patches, or hack sources,
or etc. etc. etc...

After reading some of the articles in these newsgroups, I realized that while
I have been busy with my mods and fixes, other enterprising hackers have been
busy as well, and now fountains, spiders, spiderwebs, and ghod knows how many
other things are in use at some sites.

The author of the program seems not to be on the net anymore, at least, there
hasn't been any detectable sign of him for at least 2 years.  Therefore....

	PROPOSED:	That we (net.hackers) consolidate all our mods to
			Hack, and....

			That we release a 1.0.4 version of the game.

I am willing to act as a consolidator and implementor of patches.  You can
mail them to me, and I will attempt to apply them all (this has to be done
on weekends, since I also have to make a living).  My reasoning is that this
should be done now, and the approximately 600Kb of sources posted once, instead
of posting bits and pieces all over the place which would probably equal, and
might very well exceed the one shot total volume.

I will leave this open for discussion; please restrict your discussion to
rec.games.hack only!  I certainly *won't* post anything (either my 100Kb of
mods this time around or anything else), until all interested parties have
had a chance to have a say, and a consensus has been reached.
						Mike Stephenson

Mail:	Genamation Inc.		Phone:	(416) 475-9434
	351 Steelcase Rd. W
	Markham, Ontario.	UUCP:
	L3R 3W1			{allegra,linus,ihnp4}!utzoo!mnetor!genat!mike

jte@psuvax1.UUCP (03/10/87)

In article <70@genat.UUCP> mike@genat.UUCP (Mike Stephenson) writes:
>The author of the program seems not to be on the net anymore, at least, there
>hasn't been any detectable sign of him for at least 2 years.  Therefore....
>	PROPOSED:	That we (net.hackers) consolidate all our mods to
>			Hack, and....
>			That we release a 1.0.4 version of the game.

Good idea.  I think that it is about time and I think that you are
the best person to be the consolidator because you have done so much
work with the program.  I don't think that we have made any local patches
to hack at our site, but I am sure that other sites have.


Jon Eckhardt                  | jte@psuvax1.BITNET
736 W. Hamilton Ave.          | jte@psuecl.BITNET (VMS account)
State College, PA  16801      | jte@psuvaxg.BITNET (Last resort for bitnet)
      UUCP = <allegra,ihnp4,atcgva,burdvax,purdue>!psuvax1!jte
PSU #1   Phone: 814-237-1901     Work: (leave message) 814-865-9505  PSU #1

kdmoen@watcgl.UUCP (03/26/87)

In article <70@genat.UUCP> mike@genat.UUCP (Mike Stephenson) writes:
>The author of the program seems not to be on the net anymore, at least, there
>hasn't been any detectable sign of him for at least 2 years.  Therefore....
>	PROPOSED:	That we (net.hackers) consolidate all our mods to
>			Hack, and....
>			That we release a 1.0.4 version of the game.

Jay Fenlason, the original author of Hack, is working full time for
project GNU, and the Free Software Foundation is distributing Hack.
I don't know if the GNU people are actively working on Hack,
but you might want to ask them.

I don't know Mr. Fenlasons net address, but Project GNU can be reached at:

By the way, I have no affiliation with project GNU.  My source of
information is their January 1987 newsletter.
Doug Moen (watmath!watcgl!kdmoen)
University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab

vns@mhres.UUCP (03/30/87)

In article <789@watcgl.UUCP>, kdmoen@watcgl.UUCP writes:
> Jay Fenlason, the original author of Hack, is working full time for
> project GNU, and the Free Software Foundation is distributing Hack.

Honor who earns it. I thought Andries Brouwer is the author (mcvax!aeb)

Real-Name: Gertjan Vinkesteyn, back in Holland 
UUCP and other network	  )\/(	in America: ..!seismo!mcvax!mhres!vns
  connections via mcvax	  )/\(	in Europe: ..!mcvax!mhres!vns

mike@genat.UUCP (Mike Stephenson) (04/03/87)

Here's an extraction of the file "hack.6" as distributed with the 1.0.3
release (by Andries Brouwer).  I think this will answer your question.


>  Jay Fenlason (+ Kenny Woodland, Mike Thome and Jon Payne) wrote the
>  original hack, very much like rogue (but full of bugs).
>  .br
>  Andries Brouwer continuously deformed their sources into the current
>  version - in fact an entirely different game.
>  .br

						Mike Stephenson

Mail:	Genamation Inc.		Phone:	(416) 475-9434
	351 Steelcase Rd. W
	Markham, Ontario.	UUCP:
	L3R 3W1			{allegra,linus,ihnp4}!utzoo!mnetor!genat!mike

tower@bu-cs.UUCP (04/03/87)

In article <879@mhres.UUCP> vns@mhres.UUCP (Gertjan Vinkesteyn) writes:
 > In article <789@watcgl.UUCP>, kdmoen@watcgl.UUCP writes:
 > > Jay Fenlason, the original author of Hack, is working full time for
 > > project GNU, and the Free Software Foundation is distributing Hack.
 > Honor who earns it. I thought Andries Brouwer is the author (mcvax!aeb)
 > -- 
 > Real-Name: Gertjan Vinkesteyn, back in Holland 
 > UUCP and other network	  )\/(	in America: ..!seismo!mcvax!mhres!vns
 >   connections via mcvax	  )/\(	in Europe: ..!mcvax!mhres!vns

Jay created hack, with the assistance of several fellow students, when
he was a student at the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School here in
Massachusetts.  The ersatz Emacs named jove was done at the same time
in the same place by Jonathan Payne.

Andries built on those sources to create the version of hack widely
distributed on USENET.  See the end of the manual page hack.6 in
Andries distribution (at least in version 1.0.2).

I believe that Project GNU distributes one of Andries versions, but I
would have to check to be sure.

enjoy -len

PS:  Jay is reachable as hack@prep.ai.mit.edu.

Len Tower, Distributed Systems Group, Boston University,
     111 Cummington Street, Boston, MA  02215, USA +1 (617) 353-2780
Home: 36 Porter Street, Somerville, MA  02143, USA +1 (617) 623-7739
UUCP: {}!harvard!bu-cs!tower		INTERNET:   tower@bu-cs.bu.edu

rassilon@eddie.MIT.EDU (Brian Preble) (04/13/87)

There are a few things I've always wanted to add to Hack but I don't know C
well enough to do.  They are as follows:

		- usually go the right floor, but sometimes...
		- go too far down (but not hell)
		- possibly could leave you in a pool?
		- go too far up
			- garage - find useful tools
			- penthouse - monster party
			- mezzanine - expensive shops with powerful artifacts
		- sometimes have monsters in them
			- little old lady takes weapons
			  "You shouldn't be carrying *that* around here!"
			  "Give me that weapon, young man/woman!"
  			  "The little old lady takes your +5 long sword."
			  (or whatever your best weapon was)
			- repairmen kick you out
			- vadders harass you
		- you can vad the elevators
			- find tools in shaft or in rooms off the shaft that
			  can't be reached otherwise.

		- river monsters (mermaids, hippocampus, shellycoat,
		- rivers can lead to grottos not otherwise reachable.
		- perhaps oysters with pearls, maybe a black pearl which
		  could grant 1 wish (no wands of wishing, of course)
		- current can pull you down.
		- you can't swim in them unless you take off your armor.
		- rivers could also start/end in swamps or fountains.
		- possibly have waterfalls (some warning should be given)
		- rivers that have a fountain for their source should
		  do strange things.  Make you a water breather, turn
		  you into a fish, etc...

	New armor:
		- elven mail, as strong as plate but light as leather
		- bathing suit, increases players chance of swimming in
		  pools or rivers.

	New weapon:
		- pike, if you charge (by running (HJKL, etc.)) you do
		  more damage if you hit.

hobie@sq.UUCP (04/20/87)

	Reading these suggestions for rivers and elevators made me think of
a magic item I would like to see in Hack.

	In the "Elric" series by Michael Moorcock, the lead character is a 
weak, anaemic wimp, but he has a demonic sword which "drinks" the souls of his
enemies and adds their strength to him (temporarily).  There were two such
swords named "Storm Bringer" and "Mourn Blade".  So, here's the suggestion:

	A new weapon, demon sword, which adds to the wielder's strength some
number when used to kill something (1 for a kobold, up to N for a dragon)
for about 20 moves.  This would be really deadly in a situation where the player
is surrounded, but only slightly effective where there is a dearth of monsters.
This should also have a disadvantage.  In the books, the sword would often cause
him to kill when he didn't want to (when it was hungry).  In the game, it could 
cause you to attack anything you're adjacent to, regardless of what you want, 
and perhaps not let you unwield it in battle or retreat until the monster 
is dead.

 Hobie Orris			 	| 	
 SoftQuad Inc., Toronto, Ont.		|"There'll be no more giant leeches
 {ihnp4 | decvax | ? }!utzoo!sq!hobie	| When you find the good Lord Jesus"

(NSA terrorist CIA cryptography DES drugs NRO cipher IRS secret RSA decode 
coke libyan crack penguin lust russian nuclear missile atom assassinate) 

ccs006@ucdavis.UUCP (Eric Carpenter) (04/23/87)

> There are a few things I've always wanted to add to Hack but I don't know C
> well enough to do.  They are as follows:

  There are a few things I'D like to add, like Hack itself.... 8-)
  Anyone got a source?  Mail, tape, whatever...

					      And for what sys?
					      We's got UNIX 4.2,
					      VAX/VMS 4.5,
					      both in various lang.s
					      and modes...


					      Eric C.

Disclaimer: This is mine, not my employer's.

dwald@yale.UUCP (04/23/87)

In article <1987Apr20.122320.5579@sq.uucp> hobie@sq.UUCP (Hobie Orris) writes:
>...a magic item I would like to see in Hack.
>       In the "Elric" series by Michael Moorcock, the lead character is a
>weak, anaemic wimp,

Hardly.  Elric did have some physical weaknesses, but his sorcery was
quite powerful, and he was strong enough for most physical battles.

>but he has a demonic sword which "drinks" the souls of his
>enemies and adds their strength to him (temporarily).  There were two such
>swords named "Storm Bringer" and "Mourn Blade".  So, here's the suggestion:
>       A new weapon, demon sword, which adds to the wielder's strength some
>number when used to kill something (1 for a kobold, up to N for a dragon)
>for about 20 moves.  This would be really deadly in a situation where the player
>is surrounded, but only slightly effective where there is a dearth of monsters.
>This should also have a disadvantage.  In the books, the sword would often cause
>him to kill when he didn't want to (when it was hungry).  In the game, it could
>cause you to attack anything you're adjacent to, regardless of what you want,
>and perhaps not let you unwield it in battle or retreat until the monster
>is dead.

I don't think you want Stormbringer proper in Hack (unless you add
artifacts in general.  The sword was quite powerful).  However, a
tradeoff like you describe could be interesting.  Imagine wielding it in
a shop, and having the sword force you to attack the shopkeeper.

David Wald                                             dwald@yale-celed.UUCP

hah@isum.intel.com (Hans Hansen) (04/24/87)

In article <1987Apr20.122320.5579@sq.uucp> hobie@sq.UUCP (Hobie Orris) writes:
>	Reading these suggestions for rivers and elevators made me think of
>a magic item I would like to see in Hack.
>  In the books, the sword would often cause
>him to kill when he didn't want to (when it was hungry). In the game, it could 
>cause you to attack anything you're adjacent to, regardless of what you want, 
>and perhaps not let you unwield it in battle or retreat until the monster 
>is dead.
 Good bye luck!

Scerino:  Your in a shop .....
     -or- your in a room with a unicorn ....
     -or- your next to a nurse ....

No thanks.  This one would ruin the game.
> Hobie Orris			 	| 	
