(Jerry Lotto) (01/07/87)
A group of psychologists at the Harvard Infant Study are interested in using computer games (on PC's) to examine both simple and discriminatory reaction times in groups of seven year olds. It would be useful for the machine to measure the times itself, although it could be done externally as well. Some customization capability would be nice as well, so that it does not become too boring for the kids (on both sides of the research). Monies are available but we are not averse to public domain offerings, especially if sources are available. Appropriate acknowledgements would be made for any contributions. We solicit your recommendations by direct mail, and as always, would be happy to summarize for interested parties. Thanks in advance for whatever help you can provide. The Harvard Infant Study Crew c/o... Gerald Lotto ( or lhasa.uucp or harvunxw.bitnet)