[rec.games.misc] Infocom products for RT-11 wanted

erd@giza.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ethan R Dicks) (10/23/89)

I remember seeing long ago in a Digital Business Center ('member them?) high
up on the wall a copy of "Planetfall" by Infocom.  When I asked about it, I
was told that it was on an 8" floppy and ran under RT-11.

Does anyone else remember these?  Does anyone out there have an old copy they
would be willing to part with?  Is anyone still reading this message?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. This message is *NOT* advocating software piracy!

Ethan R. Dicks       | ######  This signifies that the poster is a member in
Software Results Corp|   ##    good sitting of Inertia House: Bodies at rest.
940 Freeway Drive N. |   ##
Columbus OH    43229 | ######  "You get it, you're closer."