[rec.games.misc] ADL

zccp04@crss21.trc.amoco.com (Charles C. Prince) (08/02/90)

[This may be a repost -- I think it bounced when I did this earlier, but
I'm not completely sure...]

HELP!!  I recently downloaded a copy of ADL (Adventure Description Language)
from wuarchive.  I got it to compile and run beautifully on a SPARCstation
with SunOS 4.1, but I can't get it to work on a PC/XT with Turbo C 2.0.

After twiddling the adltypes.h file, I managed to get everything to compile
and run.  The sompilation program (adlcomp) seems to work fine.  At least,
it gives me all the same messages on the PC that it does on the Sun, and it
creates a file that should contain my data.  However, I can't get it to work
with any of the other programs.  If the program and the data file are in 
different directories, I get a message that says: "Error opening file...".
If they are in the same directory, adlrun and adltouch say "Not an ADL data
file," and adldebug says "Access denied."  I asked a professor friend of
mine what the problem might be, and he said that I must be opening the files
wrong.  In the #define in adltypes.h, there was a define that seems to set
up the file opening calls; I had to delete an O_RAW from that #define, but
the professor said that should be correct.

Does anyone know what to do about this?  I had a similar problem when I
tried Advsys, and I thought that it was the program's fault (not really
meant for a PC).  Now I'm beginning to think it`s a problem with either
my computer (a clone) or Turbo C.

Alternately, does anyone have have PC/XT executables that they could send
me (ARCed and uuencoded)?  Having the source would be nice, but I really
am more interested in writing adventures than I am in writing adventure

Any help would be appreciated.  I would prefer that you email.  I won't be
reading much news after the next week or two (school is almost starting),
so I don't want to take the risk of having the fix I need being deleted.

Thanks in advance.

Charlie Prince   

zccp04@image.amoco.trc.com   (Before August 10)
prince@tusun2.mcs.utulsa.edu (After August 10)