[rec.games.misc] mdg

billr@saab.tek.com (Bill Randle) (02/28/91)

As the one responsible for the posting of mdg, I guess I should have
checked it out a bit more thoroughly before posting. For that I
apologize. Thanks to several people on the net for posting default
player files so people can get up and running.

I also have tried contacting the author (jcg@tree.uucp) with no
success.  Site 'tree' is actually a bbs, so I also sent email to the
sysop asking for a copy of their default file, but again, no answer.
Mdg is played actively on the Tree bbs and the people there are
also modifying and enhancing mdg.  I've enclosed the info on tree
below in case any of you want to dialin and play a game or see what
the mdg folks there are discussing.  [Use the 'g' command to goto
the GAMES then the MDG areas.]

#N      tree
#S      PC/AT ; Microport System V/AT 2.4
#O      The Tree BBS
#C      Steve Rudek
#E      tree!news
#T      +1 916 331 3840
#P      5508 Sunset Oak Court, Sacramento, CA 95842
#L      38 30 N / 121 30 W city
#R      Public access BBS (916) 332-4930 (2400/1200) & 349-0385 (1200/300 bps)
#W      tree!stever (Steven Rudek) ; 19 Jun 1989
tree    csusac(DIRECT), sactoh0(DIRECT), rdk386(DIRECT), utgard(DAILY)

	-Bill Randle
	Moderator, comp.sources.games
	Tektronix, Inc.