[rec.games.misc] Might & Magic answers - spoilers

carlton@apollo.HP.COM (Carlton B. Hommel) (04/12/91)

There have been some questions about Might & Magic I and II.
Here are some answers.  If they aren't good enough, try calling
the New World Computing help desk, at (818) 999-0807.

Might & Magic I

>I've gotten to the inner room in the astral plane, but there they
>tell me I'm out of order.  My problems, in increasing order of
>supposed significance:
>2) What am I supposed to do about Og?
Bring him the Black and White Queen Idols.  Search rooms with a strange
B&W checked pattern.  One is Perilous Peaks level 4, the other in the
Quivering Forest level 1.  Think of Classic Star Trek when answering
his chess puzzle.  (This will net you much experience.)

>3) Where might the crypt of Carmenca be?
The false king has sent you for a smokeshifter, or a left-handed
plunger, or  on a snipe hunt.  Ie, there is no such thing.

>4) How do I get into the stronghold in the forest? (The one w/no entrance)
Sorry.  What sector?  The one in A-3?

>5) How do I expose the fake King? (I've freed a mysterious bound and gagged
>   cloaked figure)
Go back to the false king.  (I think)

>6) Where is the gold key to get into the center room at Doom?
In the Enchanted Forest stronghold, level 2.

>1.  The Clerics of the South (in Dragadune) judged me worthy, what has this
>    done for me (I didn't notice anything different about my characters)
I believe it allows you to return to the Pool of Wisdom.

>2.  There's a large area surrounded by mountains in the middle of the desert
>    in E1 which I cannot get into. How do I gain entrance?
The Etheralize spell.  If you aren't powerful enough to cast it,
you aren't strong enough to slog through the dinosaurs.

>3.  Lord Kilburn told me to "take this map, explore the desert, and report
>    your findings to the other Lords. Then they will understand".
This is a directive to explore E-2, and hear the aliens' story.

Might & Magic II

>Could someone please tell me how to get the Nature's Gate spell
Go snack the same substance as the aged druid in C3 has been eating.

>some of the elemental spells?  The the spells are located in mountain sectors
>which I can't go to.
You need to have two characters with the Mountaneering skill.

>How does one get to Castle Xabran? 
>Do I have to travel back in time
>somehow to get to a period before the castle was destroyed?
Yes.  The story at the beginning of the manual is invaluable
in deciding what centuries to time travel to.

>    I have befriended Lord Peabody and now may use the time machine.  I know 
>I need to go back to era 8 and fight the megadragon.
Um, well, not really.  If you return with the necessary items, someone
else will defeat the Megadragon for you.  However, if you are sufficiently
powerful, and feel like trying to kill a AC250, 64,000HP monster that
is magic resistant and does 16 250hp attacks...

I know to do that I need
>to get the element orb from Dawn's Cavern for which I need all the talens from 
>the elemental planes.  Unfortunately, when I find the shrine for the 
>talen of fire ( the first I've tried to get) the game says I find a slot, but
>have nothing to put in it.  What do I need for the slot?
Why, one of the four  elemental disks!  They are in Castle Xabran...

>DO I need to visit any of the other eras in the time machine??
Yes, to fulfill various quests and adventures.

Have fun,
Carl Hommel