[rec.games.misc] Soundblaster and Windows 3.0

ztlf0a@trc.amoco.com (Terri L. Fischer) (05/31/91)

I've had a Soundblaster board for a few months and it works fine from
DOS.  I recently installed Windows 3.0.... When I try to run a game
that uses the Soundblaster (specifically, Night Shift and Railroad
Tycoon), although some music comes through, it is really trashed.
I've looked through the recent FAQ list in comp.windows.ms and didn't
see any mention of sound boards.  I've tried giving the individual
games more memory via the pif editor but that didn't help (probably
because I did it wrong).

Is there a way to get my Soundblaster to work under Windows?  If not
directly, is there a way to start my games from Windows yet have
Windows *pause* itself, or somehow get out of the way and have it not
interfere with the game?

(I have a 20 something MHz 386 machine with 4M memory and I run
Windows in 386-enhanced mode.)

Terri L. Fischer                Amoco Research Center
                                P.O. Box 3385
tfischer@trc.amoco.com          Tulsa, OK 74102
[ztlf0a@sc.msc.edu]             918-660-4385

press@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Barry Press) (06/01/91)

In article <ZTLF0A.91May31090452@gpss74.trc.amoco.com> ztlf0a@trc.amoco.com (Terri L. Fischer) writes:
>I've had a Soundblaster board for a few months and it works fine from
>DOS.  I recently installed Windows 3.0.... When I try to run a game
>that uses the Soundblaster (specifically, Night Shift and Railroad
>Tycoon), although some music comes through, it is really trashed.

Try running full-screen with EXCLUSIVE set so that Windows isn't running
other stuff in parallel, causing you to lose the CPU.

You might also want to look at the Windows sound driver for these boards
on cica.cica.indiana.edu -- it won't help your DOS problem, but will
let Windows programs use the board.

Barry Press                                 Internet: press@venice.sedd.trw.com