I am posting this for a friend who does not have net access. Please do not respond to me or to the net if you are interested. Respond directly to Jim Butler at (617) 348-2604. DEC - Profession 350 Computer System for sale Hardware: Professional 350 System Unit - 512K RAM - 10 MB hard disk - 2 5.25" floppy disk drive VR241A 13" Color Monitor LK201AA USA/ASCII Keyboard LA100-PC Letterprinter 100 Software: P/OS v2.0 Multi-tasking Professional Operating System PRO/Tool Kit Application Developer's Tool Kit - PRO/RMS-11 Record Management System - PRO/FMS-11 Forms Management System - PRO/FDT Frame Development Tools (Menus & Helps) - POSRES User Interface Frame Modules - POSSUM P/OS Services Library - PRO/SORT Sorting Utilities - CORE High Level Graphics Library - PRO/GIDIS Low Level Graphics Library - RSX-11M/M-PLUS Task Builder - PRO/TMS Telephone Management System - PRO/RMS-11 MACRO MACRO-11 Assembler - ISA/RSX-11 ODT On-line Debugging Tool - PRO/DECnet DECnet Communications PRO/Tool Kit Fortran-77 PRO/Tool Kit Pascal PRO/Tool Kit COBOL-81 DCL v2.0 DEC Command Language EDT v3.00-14 Text Editor PROSE v2.0 Text Editor DATATRIEVE Database Manager Miscellaneous Supplies - plastic cover for keyboard and Letterprinter 100 - 5 extra ribbons for Letterprinter 100 - CRT screen cleaner The price for all this... He's asking $7,500 or your best offer. As I said, don't reply to me. Call Jim Butler at (617) 348-2604.