[comp.sys.dec] Microvax2000 with BSD/ultrix UNIX anyone ??

oz@yetti.UUCP (Ozan Yigit) (12/15/87)

	Is there anyone out there running bsd4[2,3] unix, or ultrix
	with a microvax2000 with RD53?? I would appreciate any
	feedback/experience/thegood/thebad/theugly etc. about the
	setup. I am considering buying one of these beasts.

thnx..	oz
You see things, and you say "WHY?"  	Usenet: [decvax|ihnp4]!utzoo!yetti!oz
But I dream things that never were; 	        ......!seismo!mnetor!yetti!oz
and say "WHY NOT?"			Bitnet: oz@[yusol|yulibra|yuyetti]
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