[comp.sys.dec] stippling on color vs2000

envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith) (04/15/89)

I am trying use a stipple on a window in X11R3.
On our monochrome vs2000 this works fine.  But on our 4-plane color
vs2000 the color that is used (and the pattern) is seemingly random!
Here is the section of code that creates the gc:

        XGCValues gcv;
        int i;

        gcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
        for (i=0; i<NUMFILLPATS; i++)
                fill_pm[i] = XCreateBitmapFromData(tool_d, XtWindow(canvas_sw),
                fill_gc[i] = makegc(PAINT, x_fg_color.pixel, x_bg_color.pixel);
                gcv.stipple = fill_pm[i];
                XChangeGC(tool_d, fill_gc[i], GCStipple|GCFillStyle|GCArcMode,

makegc(op, fg, bg)
int     op;
Pixel   fg;
Pixel   bg;
        register GC     ngc;
        XGCValues       gcv;
        int             gcmask;

        gcv.font = roman_font->fid;
        gcv.join_style = JoinMiter;
        gcmask = GCJoinStyle|GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFont;
        switch (op) {
        case PAINT:
                gcv.foreground = fg;
                gcv.background = bg;
                gcv.function = GXcopy;
        case ERASE:
                gcv.foreground = bg;
                gcv.background = bg;
                gcv.function = GXcopy;
        case INV_PAINT:
                gcv.foreground = fg ^ bg;
                gcv.background = bg;
                gcv.function = GXxor;
        case MERGE:
                gcv.foreground = fg;
                gcv.background = bg;
                gcv.function = GXor;

        ngc = XCreateGC(tool_d, XtWindow(canvas_sw), gcmask, &gcv);
        XCopyGC(tool_d, gc, ~(gcmask), ngc);    /* add main gc's values not
                                                   specified here to the new one */
        return (ngc);

Here is the code that does the fill:

	gc = fill_gc[i];  /* where i is the fill pattern index */
        XFillPolygon(tool_d,canvas_pixwin,gc,points, npts,
                        Complex, CoordModeOrigin);

Again, this works in monochrome, but not in color.
Note that I have explicitely set the color for foreground 
(and background) in the gc, but the colors on the screen are random.
I have checked the actual values in the gc with dbx and they are ok.

Is this a bug in the server implementation for the color vs2000?

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

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