[comp.sys.dec] RB730 disk controller needed

jimw@bucket.UUCP (Jim Willing) (08/21/89)

Having a bad month it seems, the RB-730 disk controller in our Vax 11/730
has gone a bit schitzo.  So... if anyone out there has one lying about in
need of a purpose in life, and will part with it for less than Midwest
Systems would part with one (hopefully much less), please drop me a note
at the following address or give me a call at (503) 644-8710.

Many thanks (I hate months like this)

P.S. to the folks with the 'Z chassis, be talking to you soon!

usually found at:    ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!jimw	| Any Vax 750 that is
              or:    ..tektronix!percival!bucket!jimw	| to be thrown out in
alternatly found at  CBBS/NW (503) 284-5260		| to the cold...
never found where you would expect him to be...		| I'll give you a home