rarback@max.bnl.gov (harvey rarback) (12/16/89)
I have a question about using an image scanner with a VAXstation 3100. I'd like to drive a 300 dpi, 256 gray level scanner directly from the VAXstation SCSI port using VMS and either VWS or DECwindows. The only scanner I'm aware of that is sold with software for the VAX is DEC's $5000, 64 gray level scanner. What I'd like to do instead is get something like the Hewlett-Packard ScanJet Plus for less than $2000. The ScanJet Plus can be purchased with a SCSI interface (for the MacIntosh), and HP will sell you a manual describing all the escape sequences for driving the scanner. Does anyone out there have some software for using a VMS VAX for driving the ScanJet Plus (or a similar scanner)? Or can anyone tell me about how easy/hard it is to drive SCSI devices from the VAX, and do you need to get any special device drivers? Thanks for the help! Chris Jacobsen Department of Physics SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 Bitnet: jacobsen@bnl Internet: jacobsen@bnl.gov PHYSNET: bnlx1::jacobsen or 44166::jacobsen