[comp.sys.dec] SCSI controller for DEC Vax 785

jerry@olivey.olivetti.com (Jerry Aguirre) (01/06/90)

I have a Vax 785 running 4.3BSD Unix.  I would like to add an 8mm tape
drive (like the 2.5Gig Exabyte) and would prefer to do it with a SCSI
interface so the drive can later be transferred to other systems.

It would also be nice if the SCSI controller could be used to add
additional disk drives.  Performance of the disk drives would not be
crucial as most of the access (root and swap) is via existing mass-bus
eagle drives;  I think a SCSI controller for the unibus would be

I would be interested in hearing any recomendations on controllers
as well as software issues.  Please e-mail to me and I will summarize.

				Jerry Aguirre

	Internet: jerry@y.atc.olivetti.com

	UUCP: {amdahl|decwrl|hplabs|pyramid|sun}!oliveb!jerry