(Hurf Sheldon) (01/10/90)
We are being offered HP 793mb SCSI drives for DS3100's at a very attractive price. How do they work? Does anyone have any experience with them? We are also being offered CDC IMPRIMUS(sp?) in a similar context - any news on them? BTW: Maxtor scsi from AVIV - Wilson lab here found that the disks were not grounded to the chassis. As the winter static set in errors showed up in the drives. Grounding them appears to have fixed it. Has anyone compiled a list of what works, what the performance is, etc for DS/VS compatible SCSI disks? I will if people will email touts & flouts to me. hurf -- Hurf Sheldon Network: Lab of Plasma Studies Bitnet: hurf@CRNLION 369 Upson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853 ph:607 255 7267 "And the walls came tumbling down"