sdroppers@pbs.uucp (Seton Droppers) (02/09/90)
In article <6099.25cd3962@pbs.uucp>, sdroppers@pbs.uucp (Seton Droppers) writes: > We are investigating adding an additional VAX to our four vax > cluster (2x8650, 2x785, 2xHSC50, 8xRA82, 6xRA81, 3xRA60) and have > offers for either an 8650 or a 6000-410. This machine would be > used exclusively for All-In-1. We currently run about 85-90 > users on each of our 8650s for mixed corporate time share (about > 50% All-In-1). The question is what can we expect with these > machines in an all All-In-1 environment. Our plans are to set > the new machine up with 64Mb memory and dynamic tuning (via > Dynamic Load Balancer). Should we expect to see better > performance with one machine or the other and what sort of fix on > logged in All-In-1 users should we expect to handle? Any other > comments you wish to make? So far I have only gotten a few replies to this, and all of them to a posting on the DECUServe (DECUS VAXnotes) system. All of the replies have strongly suggested moving to the 6000-410 system for the more up to day technology and improved upgrade paths available. I am still looking for any other comments. Our department director is using this and another item as a trial baloon for using usenet, so don't hesitate to flood us with responses. Please E-Mail your comments to me. I will attempt to summarize the responses again. If you have tried to mail to us and it has bounced, sorry. We are still a pure UUCP site and that sometimes causes trouble. Thank you very much for your time and effort. Seton R. Droppers, Systems Manager Public Broadcasting Service, Computer Services UUCP: ...{vrdxhq,csed-1,IDA.ORG}!pbs!sdroppers Voice: 703/739-5100 USMail: 1320 Braddock Place Alexandria, VA 22314-1698
kellym@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM (Kelly Mc Connell) (02/09/90)
>In article <6099.25cd3962@pbs.uucp>, sdroppers@pbs.uucp (Seton Droppers) writes >So far I have only gotten a few replies to this, and all of them to a posting >on the DECUServe (DECUS VAXnotes) system. All of the replies have strongly >suggested moving to the 6000-410 system for the more up to day technology and >improved upgrade paths available. >I am still looking for any other comments. Our department director is using >this and another item as a trial baloon for using usenet, so don't hesitate to >flood us with responses. > >Seton R. Droppers, Systems Manager >Public Broadcasting Service, Computer Services One of the primary concerns in most places these days is capital expenditures. If the up front cost is very important to you, the 8650 starts looking very good. You can buy a used (guaranteed up to current rev) 8650 for about $ 75-85K. Maintenance costs for an 8650 (H/W) will be a little higher, but the initial $200K + that you don't spend will pay for many years maint costs. Also, when you do want to unload the machine you will probably get a higher percentage of your investment back. If you buy a machine for $80K and sell it five years later for $30K your better off than if you buy a machine for $300K and sell it five years later for $100K. Just my opinions. They're worth what you paid for them. Kelly -- I may rise, but I refuse to shine before sunset