joltes@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (Richard Joltes) (05/04/90)
Come one, come all, step right up folks! Get your antiques now! Knowing as I do that this newsgroup is not generally for the posting of stuff for profit, I apologize in advance. But this is a little different because I don't expect to profit from this little venture. I recently posted an article that I thought everyone would get a kick out of since I described some of the stuff we'd found in our "dungeon" at Harvard's Science Center (this article has spawned a massive thread of "how old is the oldest stuff YOU own?" postings). In my original posting I said that the stuff was being offered to used equip. dealers--which it was. They laughed. Loudly. And long. But I did receive as followup to the posting some "uhhh, how much do ya want for that bit?" msgs. so in the interest of keeping this stuff alive I'm posting the complete list here. I'll take bids by email (timestamp will be used to determine the winner in case two or more people bid on an item) or by phone. Prices, you ask? I want no more than what it will cost for me to ship/insure/handle the stuff to your location (via UPS, Mail, Pony Express, whatever). Terms, you ask? Send me a check (payable to Harvard University) and I'll send the equipment. Warranty, you ask? You Must Be Kidding. All items are "as-is"--if they work you got a bargain. If not, don't send it back or I'll tell the postman "no comprendo, senor" and lob it back to you. Some of this stuff has been sitting for "awhile" and may require cleaning/repair. I'm only doing this to preserve some valuable pieces of history--anything that doesn't sell will most likely be shipped off to Boston's Computer Museum (I already have an offer of help to carry it all over--you know who you are). Let the barrage begin! Dick Joltes Mgr. of Hardware & Facilities Harvard University Science Centre (617)495-1272 Quantity Item -------- ---- 12 RL02 disk packs (make handy frisbees when disassembled) 6 RM03 disk packs 2 RM05 disk packs 1 DEC power supply for 11/780 or 11/785 -> brand new #70-14956 (+5v at 75amp -5v at 30amps) 1 LP05 printer - Data Products [available end of May] 1 LP14 printer - Data Products [available end of May] 6 National Semiconductor 0.5 meg memory boards (prob. for PDP) 1 PDP-11 lineprinter controller card 5 DEC M7819 DZ-11B asynch 8 port modules - 2 complete distribution boards for above (DZ11-A) - 2 almost complete boards for above (DZ11-A) 1 DEC M7867 DUP11-DA synchronous port module 1 Set of 11 proms for UDA REV A 2 Kinetics Box - Ethernet to Appletalk - Model KFPS-1 (older) 2 RX50-AA dual floppy drives 2 16-line Racal Vadic modem racks [empty] 8 300 Baud modems for above 1 16-line Racal Vadic modem rack [full of 1200 baud modems] 1 LA12-C DEC portable printer in carrying case 1 DEC H9602-DF cabinet [ 5 feet tall ] 1 Vaxstation monitor (for ORIGINAL VAXstation I) 3 Gigi keyboards (more or less monitors) 1 TU77 tape drive 1 NEC Spinwriter 7725 1 DEC Decmate II cpu 2 Dual TU58 tape drives (in boxes, serial interconnect) 1 DEC Floorstand PCXXF-AA 1 DEC LN100-CA 1 DEC LQP02 Printer 1 Computer cabinet [ 7 feet tall ] 1 LN03 Logic Board - Assorted cables (for PDP, VAX, etc...specifics available)