(Ken McGarrahan [5-3160]) (05/31/90)
I'm sure it's happened to you - you're "lurking," following a netnews thread that is esoteric, but entertaining. Suddenly, you find yourself cast into the heart of the discussion by a strange twist of fate. After following the "you think that's old, wait 'til you hear this" discussion and chuckling, I find myself in possession of a VT131 terminal, vintage 1984. I know, it's not that old. It's going to serve as a backup terminal, but we have NO documentation for the beast. Set-up for some parameters is intuitive; but all those boolean switches on the set-up screens... Anyone out there have a copy of the User's Guide/Reference Manual that they're willing to part with that covers these set-up options? I'll pay postage for you to mail it to me. I've not posted to netnews before, so I'm not sure about the "Reply-To" path supplied. But let's try E-mail first; failing that, call me direct at 314-235-3160. If both these methods are unworkable, post back to comp.sys.dec and I'll get in touch with you directly. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.