[comp.sys.dec] For Sale: MicroVAX II w/ ram, tape, smd disk

garif@cmcl2.NYU.EDU (Major Panic) (08/25/90)

the following was submitted for a friend:

I'm graduating to a MicroVAX III and I have the following equipment
available for sale:

	DEC MicroVAX II KA630 in a BA23 with enclosure and stand
	 1M RAM on CPU board
	Clearpoint 4M RAM MS630-BA
	Clearpoint 2M RAM MS630-AA
	Emulex (DHU-11) - 16 line async mux
	DEC DHV-11 - 8 line async mux
	DEC TQK-50 tape controller
	DEC TK-50 cartridge tape drive
	DEC RQDX1 disk controller
	DEC RX50 dual floppy drive
	Emulex SC/03 SMD disk controller
	Fujitsu Eagle 2351A SMD drive - 474M 18ms

	 above == $4300
	 if necessary, offers will be considered

 additional items:

	EMC2 16M RAM  (MS630-CA)
	DEC TQK-50 tape controller
	DEC TK-50 cartridge tape drive
	DEC RQDX3 disk controller
	DEC RD53 disk drive
	TD Systems Viking/QTO SCSI tape controller (QBUS)

	 if interested / pls make reasonable offer

	+ Possible ULTRIX license transfer...

Pls call Lee direct at 212.766.0522 (NYC)

or email to this account: garif@nyu.edu
and I'll forward...