[comp.sys.dec] KEY BINDINGS

appel@cui.unige.ch (APPEL Ron) (02/07/91)

I have got a DEC 5000, after years of having used a Sun workstation.
I am using the EMACS editor. For the Sun, I had a file, containig the
key bindings for the function keys of my keyboard. Now I would like
to define as far as possible the same keys on the DEC. That is, I have
to put in my key bindings file the sequence of characters recognized by
my keyboard, when I type the function key or the numeric keypad keys.

Unfortunatly, I don't know hoe to do this. Even DEC's manual does not
help me much. Does anybody know how to do this?


Ron D. Appel                              e-mail: appel@cih.hcuge.ch
Unite d'Imagerie Numerique
Centre d'Informatique Hospitaliere
Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de Geneve
24, rue Micheli-du-Crest                                 ###
CH-1211 Geneve 4                                     ########
Switzerland                                      ###############
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fax : 41-22-227073                      ##########################