(Steinar Kj{rnsr|d) (02/16/91)
I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with DECchart and the various import formats which at least _seems_ to be supported? My basic problem is that I want to import pure ASCII data into my worksheet. The Import format submenu has an entry for something called "ascii_tabular", but I have so far not been able to find this format described _anywhere_. I have browsed through two impressing volumes of CDA documentation, the DECchart documentation as well as on-line help info. All the DECchart documentation says is "See your Converters Reference Guide". If this is something other than the CDA reference material, does anyone have the DEC number? I have tried to experiment with spaces, tabs and other separators between data cells in my input file, but DECchart always fails to process the file. I have also noticed a number of CDA filters on /usr/bin, for example dtif_{read|write}_ascii_tabular. These are not documented, and are probably not meant to be run as stand alone programs. Experimenting with these filters have so far not made me any wiser ... Any clues will be appreciated! +==================================================================+ ! ! ! Steinar Kjaernsroed, ! ! Dpt. of Informatics, ! ! University of Oslo, ! ! P.O.Box 1080, Blindern, ! ! 0316, Oslo 3, ! ! NORWAY ! ! ! ! Phone: 047+2+453460 (work), ! ! Email: (Internet) ! ! ..!mcsun!ifi!steinar (UUCP) ! ! ! +==================================================================+