[comp.sys.dec] Dec/Ultrix TCP/IP over X.25 Connection

bogaart@serc.nl (Eugene Bogaart) (02/23/91)

I am wondering if DEC currently sells a product for Ultrix, that does
TCP/IP packaging over X.25 according to the RFC 877 standard. It is
known to me that DEC sells routers such as X.25router 2000 (and even
more products.), with are capable of doing this at very high speeds.
But what I am looking for is a software equivalent, which does the
same over RS232C low speed lines (uptill 9600 b/s because Ultrix does
not support higher rates). Additionally I propably need a X.21 adapter

I'll be glad to receive some pointers !



Name:     Eugene Bogaart | Software Engineering Research Centre 
Email:   bogaart@serc.nl | Lange Viestraat 365  3511 BK Utrecht
Phone:	 +31 30 32 26 40 |           P.box 424  3500 AK Utrecht
Fax:     +31 30 34 12 49 |                      The Netherlands
Home phone:+31 838051889 |              De Wiek 93, 6712 JC Ede