jdubb@bucsf.bu.edu (jay dubb) (03/22/91)
I am posting this for a friend of mine who doesn't have access to USENET, so please respond directly to mlevin@jade.tufts.edu. I have a VaxStation II/RC running Ultrix 4.1. Until now, I have had a modem attached to the terminal port in back; I initially used Makedev /dev/ttycp to create the device file, and now use kermit to drive the modem. Everything works fine. My question is (I have no experience setting up Unix), can I also use the same physical port to drive a DEC LA100 printer? I imagine there is some kind of printer set-up program. What is it called? Also, if I do this, can I alternate between the modem and printer by simply switching cables and running the appropriate program, or will setting up the printer mess up my ability to use the modem? Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Mike Levin (mlevin@jade.tufts.edu)