[comp.sys.dec] Dec goodies for sale

mward@milton.u.washington.edu (Mark Ward) (04/27/91)

for sale:

	VT240 mono Grahics Terminal	$400
	Includes lk201, vr201. Does
	regis, tek, etc. Works fine.

	Pro350/380 Ethernet Card	$75

	Pro350/380 Z80 Card		$50

  	Pro350/380 256K card		$50
	works fine.

	Two 8 port asynch muxes,	$100
        with 16 port distribution
 	panel and cables. DZ11's.
	work fine.

	4 sets 32K word core memory	$15 / set, or $45 for all 4	
	board with controllers.
	(4 three board sets from 11/70).
	Removed from working system.

	LSI11 CPU Board			$40
	Quad wide, claimed okay.
	(spare part)

	LSI11 CPU Board			$25
	Quad wide, untested, 

	M9312 Bootstrap terminator	$15

	M7940 Serial Line Unit		$15

	16 bit Unibus machine # card	$15
	with terminators & 22bit 

	PMDL11-W Serial Line Interface	$25

	MDB-MDL11 Board			$25

	M8207 Microprocessor Link	$25
	M9041 Massbus Paddle Board	$15

	M8203 Multidrop Unit		$25

  All items sold as-is. Conditions represented as well as possible. Further
descriptions available on request. No Returns.  Buyer pays shipping. Prepay