[comp.sys.dec] Data Prods Band info needed

havemann_l@spcvxb.spc.edu (06/11/91)

This is a request for some information on some Data Products print bands
that were included in some spares that we have acquired.

I have one that is for a B series printer, (most likely a B-600)
The part # is 250147-028-B.
It looks like a 64 character band, with no special characters that I can 
determine. My question(s) on this one: What Printer does this belong on, 
and what prom is needed to use it?
(This band does not appear in my B-series parts ID manual)

I have 2 other bands that I can not identify either. They are substantially
longer than the afore-mentioned one, and the timing marks are slots, not 
raised bumps. 

The part #'s are as follows:

276236-008A and also has the #'s "543711" & "GE-069-87" alongside it.
It appears to be a 108(?) character band.

The other one has the part # 287132-009A and also has the #'s "543711" & 
"GE-055-87" alongside it.
It appears to be a 64(?) character band.

  All I need to know on these is the type of printer that they go on
Is it a B1000 maybe??

			Thanks people,

				Lee Havemann
				HSH Associates
				Butler, NJ