(cn) (06/13/91)
Hi, two weeks ago I asked, whether there exists a box which can be connected to an ethernet, and provides isdn connections to VAXes and PCs connected to the ethernet. Several people sent me some information, for which I thank them very much: H.Durand Marc Sheldon Toby Nixon hayes! Barton F. Bruce thomas illies Jean-Marc edgard@cao.gipsi.Fr Randall Redmon You find below all messages I received (Message header shortened, inclusion of original message often removed). claudio ( Also: PSI%022847931125::TRZCL1::C_NIEDER, K538912@CZHRZU1A.BITNET Claudio Nieder AST 3.944 (DW 6) | Tel: +41 1 465-2249 Alcatel STR AG, Friesenbergstrasse 75, CH-8055 Zuerich | Fax: +41 1 465-3525 From Mon Jun 3 17:59:39 1991 Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 08:59:55 PDT From: "DEC Bern, H.Durand 03-Jun-1991 1753" <> Hi Claudio, Maybee there is a solution. DEC sells a 'box' called ISDN-router which is attached to an ethernet and ISDN (Swissnet one). Two B and one D - channel are used (D - channel for signalling, an the two B - channels are used for data). Here in Switzerland the PTT uses the german profile for ISDN (1TR6). This profile will be changed in the future. If you have questions, call me or your sales man (Hans Rechsteiner 01/760 35 85). Hans-Peter From Tue Jun 4 00:45:31 1991 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1991 22:38:45 +0000 From: Marc Sheldon <> Message-Id: <> Depends on what you plan on running over the Ethernet. If it is TCP/IP ... No problem. If it is DECnet ... No idea. The TCP/IP stuff can be solved using the software from a german company named BinTec in Nuernberg. They have a software which puts TCP/IP on top of ISDN and behaves like any normal router should. It works on UNIX-PC's and Sun Sparcstations. I also saw an unfinished port of this software for MS-DOS. It worked but they still had some problems to fix. Regards, Marc From hayes! Wed Jun 5 09:27:32 1991 Date: Mon, 3 Jun 91 17:22:47 EDT Message-Id: <009499500EC4F7C0.2020418D@hayes.UUCP> From: Toby Nixon <hayes!> Hayes Microcomputer Products manufacturers standalone ISDN terminal adapters (we call it the ISDN System Adapter). It has both V.35 and EIA-232 (V.24/V.28) interface. Thus, it can be used basically anywhere you use a modem. It doesn't include Ethernet bridge functions, but if you had a bridge to which you could connect an external modem, you could connect the ISDN System Adapter in its place. The "necessary software" is widely-available standard async communications software, if you're going to use it for terminal access. If you'd like more information, let me know. -- Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer | Voice +1-404-840-9200 Telex 151243420 Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. | Fax +1-404-447-0178 CIS 70271,404 P.O. Box 105203 | UUCP uunet!hayes!tnixon AT&T !tnixon Atlanta, Georgia 30348 USA | Internet hayes! From Wed Jun 5 07:50:34 1991 Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 01:50 EDT From: "Barton F. Bruce" <> Message-Id: <> I think MANY folks need this, and I am unaware of anything *yet*, but there will be hardware soon. What you really need is a central Enet bridge that takes an ISDN PRI in and can support 23 or 31 seperate remotes on a B channel each. Codex makes a box that is ~$5,000. that takes a T1 in and lets you split it up to 24 ways (North American Digital format is 24, not 32 of the 64kb streams). That is by adding the ~$5,000. s/w package to it. The same box can be run with a $800. software floppy an then it will simply work on a 56/64kb DDS ckt. (as one of many tied to the 'smart' version). A minor change of software, and this is an ISDN HUB! Codex isn't talking about unanounced products, but they are either stupid, or ... The PC end would be a card that to the PC looks exactly like any ethernet card and so works with DEC's PCSA s/w and even has a BNC connector out the rear to share the remote ethernet with other colocated devices, but truely is an ISDN based enet bridge connected by an ISDN connector also on the rear. This is what I have described to MANY companies as I ask "what do you have like this?" I have gotten blank stares from stupid sales droids, and knowing smiles from smart tech types that then say: "not allowed to talk about unannounced products". Plesae let me know what you find and/or post it! Thanks, Barton From Wed Jun 5 13:11:01 1991 Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1991 11:04:04 +0000 From: thomas illies <> Message-Id: <> Hallo Claudio, wir haben eine Art ISDN-Modem entwickelt, das mittels AT-Standard-Befehlen ("Hayes"-kompatibel) oder V.25bis angesprochen werden kann und nach dem Herstellen der Verbindung entweder asynchon (Start-Stop-Betrieb) bis zu 38400 Baud oder synchron/anisochron bis zu 64000 Bit/s betrieben werden kann. Die eigentliche ISDN-Intelligenz steckt in einem kleinen Steck-Modul (Europakarten-Groesse: 10 x 16 x 2.54 cm), das aber standardmaessig in einem Tischgehaeuse ("V.24"-Pegel ^= V.28-Pegel, DB25-Buchse) geliefert wird. Das Modul selbst liefert TTL-Pegel an einer sogenannten "CEPT"-Schnittstelle (96poliger Steckverbinder). Dies Geraet passt an alle seriellen, asynchronen Schnittstellen. Wir wickeln z.B. uucp ueber ein normales tty-device mit 38400 Baud auf der drnhh ab. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das auch unter VMS so einzurichten geht (ich verstehe leider zu wenig von VAXes). Falls Interesse besteht, kann ich ja noch weitere Einzelheiten erzaehlen. So long, Tom -- +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Dr. Neuhaus Mikroelektronik GmbH | Thomas Illies | | Haldenstieg 3 | Lungershausenweg 26 | | D-2000 Hamburg 61 | D-2000 Hamburg 65 | | Voice: +49 40 55304-214 | Voice: +49 40 60680020 (ISDN) | | G3Fax: +49 40 55304-180 | G3Fax: +49 40 60680029 (ISDN) | | eMail: ...unido!drnhh!illies | ax.25: df7hi@db0hb | | FROM Disclaimer IMPORT Standard; | ampr : [] | +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------+ From edgard@cao.gipsi.Fr Wed Jun 5 15:05:57 1991 Date: 05 Jun 91 14:00:34+0100 From: Jean-Marc_de_chez_Hackers_alias_ <edgard@cao.gipsi.Fr> Message-Id: <910605140034+0100.5997B.cao*edgard@cao.gipsi.Fr> Hi Claudio, > We would like to connect VAXes running VMS and PCs running MS-DOS to > ISDN. First question, does it work with a physical ethernet connection? > So we need a box which connects on an ethernet and on ISDN > and the necessary software for PCs and VAXes for accessing > the ISDN lines through this box. > Does such a box exist? The answer is YES! Hackers made a product wich do the connection between Ethernet and ISDN (at this time, it works on french ISDN, called Numeris). In fact, the box (115x290x310 mm) is constituted with two cards: #1 Ethernet to V35 (for datas) and to V24 (for command) #2 V35 to ISDN The card #1 is made by Hackers and the card #2 is, today, made by Matra, but if the standard is different over there, it seems possible to just use the card #1 and, of course, replace the card #2 with one up to your ISDN (i said *your*, because everybody talk about ISDN, but it seems there are a lot :-). It could be used as a black box (filter/program and Ifnet table downloadable), automaticly opening connection (when recognizing an address in the Ifnet table) and closing connection after a time out. It could be used with commanded connection and deconnection. Programs and commands could be gived to the box over ethernet (UDP frame) or with a V24 serial line. Regards, /* Voice: (33) (1) 30 60 75 47 */ /* <- In stereo where available -> Fax: (33) (1) 30 60 75 90 */ PS: Please, forgive my awful english :-( From Thu Jun 6 23:09:03 1991 Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 14:07:35 pdt From: Randall Redmon <> Message-Id: <> Hello there, In response to your posting in alt.dcom.telecom: There is a company called Network Express in Ann Arbor, Michigan, that makes an ISDN bridge product that sounds like what you are looking for. The box, call the NetXtend, has an ethernet LAN port for connecting to your local hosts, and also BRI or PRI ports to talk to the ISDN network. The box can also accomodate Switched-56Kbps or standard T1 interfaces on the network side. Network Express can be reached at (313) 761-5005. The address is: 2200 Green Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Regards, Randall Redmon ****************************************************************************** Randall W. Redmon HP Corporate Telecommunications / Platform Engineering ******************************************************************************