[rec.music.synth] Concertware+MIDI vs. DMCS V2.0

oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster) (10/23/88)

I'm not an owner of ConcertWare, so I can't speak for it. DMCS v2.0 has a 
step-time entry mode: you play at 4 times slower than real speed, and the 
notes go into the file. No expression, no nothing.
DMCS is good for playing sheet music over MIDI. (Once you've moused it into
it.) It is pretty good for printing, though it has its little ways.

What you want is sequencer software, such as Master Tracks Pro. The metaphor
here is more a tape recorder than a piece of sheet music. This is software
designed to capture the nuances of performance.

--- David Phillip Oster            --When you asked me to live in sin with you
Arpa: oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu --I didn't know you meant sloth.
Uucp: {uwvax,decvax,ihnp4}!ucbvax!oster%dewey.soe.berkeley.edu