[rec.music.synth] ICMC 90

wf@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Mr Bill Findlay) (12/08/89)

ICMC 90 : The International Computer Music Festival, Glasgow 1990
An "information server" for ICMC 90 has been set up in the Computing
Science Department of Glasgow University. By sending e-mail to it
you can receive in reply copies of the registration document, the call
for submissions, and other information about the conference that we
insert from time to time. Detailed instructions on the use of the server
are given below. At the moment the only topics available are the
registration document and the call for submissions. These will be posted
to relevant network groups today, to get them to you soonest.

Please note that the deadlines for submissions have been extended:

Proposals must be postmarked no later than 28 February 1990.
Final text of papers will be due on 15 June 1990.
Music submissions must be postmarked no later than 9 March 1990.
All performance materials will be required by 30 June 1990.

The Information Server Basic Help

This information server will send out files contained in mail
messages, in response to a request contained in a mail message,
that you have sent it.  Send your requests to info-server@cs.glasgow.ac.uk.

Requests are of the form:

        Request: documents
        Topic:   topic
        Request: end

The "Topic" line may be repeated for each topic you wish to receive.
The topics presently available are icmc.reg (registration form),
icmc.call (call for submissions) and icmc.news (recent news releases).

The key words recognised by the server are : request, topic and line-limit.
These can be upper or lower case or a mixture. They are
separated from the remainder of the line by tabs, spaces or : this
is optional.

Line-limit is for use by people who have mail systems that
can only deal with small messages. Consider the following

        line-limit 1000
        Request: documents
        topic: icmc.news
        request: end

This would mail out icmc.news information in 1000 line chunks (Not
including message header information). The line limit must lie
between 1000 and 200000000. The default is send the file in 1
message. Everything after the "request end" is ignored.

A list of the "top level" requests can be obtained by sending
the following request to the info-server:

        request: index
        topic: index
        request: end

Within a request subject, an index and also help information are
available. These would be (using software as the subject example).

        request: documents
        topic: index    (or help)
        request end

All blank lines are ignored, and the "request end" is optional,
however if it is omitted and there are other lines in the
message an automatic error message will be sent to you.

wf@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Mr Bill Findlay) (12/08/89)

International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow 1990

The Computer Music Association in cooperation with
The University of Glasgow
and The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

10-15 September 1990

Registration form
International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow 1990

N.B. # signifies Pounds Sterling.

The follwoing special accommodation arrangements have been made
for the conference.

Hospitality Inn  ****
Cambridge Street,
Glasgow G2 3HN.

Next door to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
Price includes full Scottish breakfast and VAT @ 15%.

deluxe single  #80 per night
single  #68 per night
deluxe twin (double occupancy)  #47 per person per night
twin (double occupancy)  #40 per person per night

Central Hotel  ***
Gordon Street,
Glasgow G1 3SF.

At Glasgow's main railway station and only a ten minute walk
from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
Price includes full Scottish breakfast and VAT @ 15%.

single  #57 per night
twin (single occupancy)  #67 per night

University of Strathclyde Halls of Residence
Rottenrow East,
Glasgow G4 0NG.

A fifteen minute walk from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music
and Drama.
Price includes a self-service breakfast at the University Centre,
which is about ten minutes walk from the Halls of Residence,
and VAT @ 15%.

single  #15.52 per night

University of Glasgow Halls of Residence
Queen Margaret Hall, 55 Bellshaugh Road, Glasgow G12.
Reith Hall, 11 Botanic Crescent, Glasgow G20.

Both about 30 minutes by bus from the Royal Scottish Academy
of Music and Drama.
Price includes self-service breakfast and VAT @ 15%.

single  #15.50 per night
Conference registration 

Name:  ---

Company/Institution:  ---

Address:  ---
		---  postcode/zip

Please indicate fee category:

				Registration received	Registration received
				before 1 July 1990		after 1 July 1990

Company 			#400.00				#500.00

Company, CMA member		#300.00				#375.00

Individual			#140.00				#200.00

Individual, CMA member 		#105.00				#150.00

Student				#85.00				#110.00

Student, CMA member 		#64.00				#80.00

One day								#50.00

Special rate to school teachers and their pupils available on

I enclose a cheque/money order/postal order for --- .
(This payment must include the #10,00/#5.00 accommodation deposit
-- see Accommodation form.  Payment must be in sterling.  Make
cheques payable to ICMC, Glasgow 1990.)

I enclose my accommodation request form.

I will be staying privately.

Signed:  ---						Date: ---

Send completed form to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990,
				    c/o Scottish Music Information Centre,
				    1 Bowmont Gardens,
				    Scotland G12 9LR.

Office Use Only:  Fee:  ---		Acc. ----		Ack: ---
Accommodation Registration

Name:  ---

Address:  ---
		---  postcode/zip

Please reserve the following:			1st choice	2nd choice

Hospitality Inn 

deluxe single 
deluxe twin (double occupancy) 
twin (double occupancy)

Central Hotel

twin (single occupancy)  

University of Strathclyde Halls of Residence


University of Glasgow Halls of Residence


I will arrive on --- (date) and depart on --- (date).

I wish to share a twin room with -------- 
who is attending the conference
who is not attending the conference

A deposit of #10.00 per person for hotels or #5.00 per person
for universities must be included with the conference fee.

I will pay for my hotel accommodation with American Express/Diners/

Card Number:					Expiry date:

Send completed form to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990,
				   c/o Scottish Music Information Centre,
				   1 Bowmont Gardens,
				   Scotland G12 9LR.

The 1990 International Computer Music Conference will be held
in Glasgow during its reign as European City of Culture when
special exhibitions and performances will be presented throughout
the year.  The conference will take place at the Royal Scottish
Academy of Music and Drama and will feature a series of concerts 
culminating in a performance by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra,
including a specially commissioned work by Iannis Xenakis. 
There will be morning and afternoon paper sessions, workshops
and demonstrations and, in addition to these juried presentations,
there will be a paper tree where conference delegates may post
papers on any subject.

Delegates' fees cover admission to all conference sessions and
to the manufacturers' exhibition, admission to all concerts
and a copy of the conference Proceedings.  An opening banquet
will take place in the lavish halls of the Kelvingrove Art Gallery
where delegates will be the guests of the City of Glasgow. 

ICMC, Glasgow 1990 comes immediately after Ars Electronica in
Linz and the Musical Cognition Symposium in Stockholm and immediately
before the Cambridge Conference on Music and the Cognitive Sciences.
Musica Nova, a Glasgow festival of contemporary music, follows
directly after ICMC, Glasgow 1990.  Principal guest composers
at Musica Nova will be John Cage, Wolfgang Rihm, Nigel Osborne
and James MacMillan.  

Directors of ICMC, Glasgow 1990:

Stephen Arnold, University of Glasgow
Martin Dalby, British Broadcasting Corporation
Rita McAllister, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Douglas McKerrell, Maclay, Murray and Spens, Solicitors
Peter Nelson, University of Edinburgh

Administrator: Donna McDonald

Technical Advisor: Alistair MacDonald


ICMC, Glasgow 1990 is generously supported by Glasgow District
Council's Festivals Budget.  It is also receiving assistance
from the University of Glasgow, Yamaha-Kemble Music (UK) Ltd.,
Sound Control, the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board and the Scottish
Music Information Centre.

wf@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Mr Bill Findlay) (12/09/89)

International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow 1990

The Computer Music Association in cooperation with
The University of Glasgow
and The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama

September 10-15, 1990

Call for Submissions N.B. Note extended deadlines!

The International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow 1990 will
take place at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
in the centre of Glasgow from 10-15 September 1990, the year
in which the city will serve as the Cultural Capital of Europe.

Directors of ICMC, Glasgow 1990:

Stephen Arnold, University of Glasgow
Martin Dalby, British Broadcasting Corporation
Rita McAllister, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Douglas McKerrell, Maclay, Murray and Spens, Solicitors
Peter Nelson, University of Edinburgh

Administrator: Donna McDonald

Technical Advisor: Alistair MacDonald

Advisory Committees:

Music							Papers

Stephen Arnold						Stephen Arnold
Jonty Harrison						Andrew Bentley
James MacMillan					William Findlay
Peter Nelson						Peter Manning
Denis Smalley						Peter Nelson
William Sweeney					Ian Willcock

Juries will be announced shortly

Call for Special Sessions

Those who wish to propose Special Sessions, which might include
panels, group discussions, studio reports or tutorials, should
follow the guidelines in Call for Proposals except that they
should not be submitted anonymously and they should be specific
as to content, participants and equipment required.  They will
be refereed by the appropriate advisory committee.  The language
of the Computer Music Association is English and all Special
Sessions must be in English.  The Call for Proposals deadlines
apply to the Call for Special Sessions.

Call for Proposals

Those who wish to read papers, present workshops or give demon-
strations at ICMC, Glasgow 1990 should send the following material. 
It is hoped that at least one afternoon session will be devoted
to computer music and education and ICMC, Glasgow 1990 would
be particularly pleased to receive proposals in this area. 
The language of the Computer Music Association is English and
all papers, workshops, tutorials etc. must be in English.  


1.  Proposals for papers, workshops or demonstrations must consist
of no more than three double-spaced pages of text or 1,000 words
(excluding graphic examples and other supplementary material). 
Papers describing the subjects to be covered in workshops or
demonstrations may be published in the Proceedings.  Five copies
of the proposal are required.  Each copy must include the title
but no other identifying marks because all proposals will be
judged anonymously. 

2.  Music examples should be on cassette, 1/4 inch 1/2 track
stereo at 7 1/2 ips (19cms) or 15 ips (38 cms), RDAT or CD.

3.  A complete statement of technical requirements must be included
with each proposal.  In the case of workshops and demonstrations,
the proposal must explain clearly the nature of the session
and state the number of personnel and the equipment required.

4.  Proposals must include a 200 word abstract suitable for

5.  A biographical note, not exceeding 150 words, on the author(s)
must be enclosed.

6.  A completed submissions form or a separate sheet providing
the information requested on the submissions form must accompany
each proposal.

7.  A cheque/international money order/postal order for #7.50
to cover jury costs must be enclosed.  It should be made payable
to ICMC, Glagow 1990.  This handling charge must be in sterling
and is not refundable.

8.  Proposals which do not comply with these requirements will
not normally be considered.  Proposals will not be returned.


Proposals must be postmarked no later than 28 February 1990.
Notification of receipt will be sent immediately.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be posted by 
4 May 1990.
Final text of papers will be due on 15 June 1990.

Submit proposals to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990,
				 c/o Scottish Music Information Centre,
				 1 Bowmont Gardens,
				 Scotland G12 9LR.

Call for Music

ICMC, Glasgow 1990 is interested in receiving submissions in
all categories of computer music, including real-time interactive
systems and works for electro-acoustic media and chamber forces.


1.  Submissions should include a full score, if applicable. 
Parts need not be submitted at this time.  Cassettes of complete
performances may be considered along with a full score.

2.  Performance tapes must be in one of the following formats:
digital (Betamax PAL or RDAT), 1/4 inch half-track stereo, or
1/4 inch four track.  Speed may be 7 1/2 ips (19cms) or 15 ips
(38 cms).  Reel to reel may be with or without Dolby A.

3.  A complete statement of technical requirements for performance
must be submitted with each work. 

4.  Each score and tape must include the title but no other
identifying marks because all music submissions will be judged
anonymously.  Adhesive labels with the composer's name and address
to affix to the tape and score after the jury has reported should
be included.

5.  Submissions must include a programme note, no longer than
500 words, suitable for publication.  

6.  A biographical note, not exceeding 150 words and suitable
for publication, must also be enclosed.

7.  A completed submissions form or a separate sheet providing
the information requested on the submissions form must accompany
each submission.

8.  A cheque/international money order/postal order for #7.50
to cover jury costs must be enclosed.  It should be made payable
to ICMC, Glasgow 1990.  This handling charge must be in sterling
and is not refundable.

9.  Composers wishing their scores and/or tapes to be returned
must enclose a suitable self-addressed envelope and an international
postal coupon of appropriate value.  Scores and tapes may be
collected during the conference.

10.  Submissions which do not comply with these requirements
will not normally be considered.


Music submissions must be postmarked no later than 9 March 1990.

Notification of receipt will be sent immediately.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be posted by 
9 April 1990.  

All performance materials will be required by 30 June 1990.

Send music submissions to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990,
				 c/o Scottish Music Information Centre,
				 1 Bowmont Gardens,
				 Scotland G12 9LR.


ICMC, Glasgow 1990 is generously supported by Glasgow District
Council's Festivals Budget.  It is also receiving assistance
from the University of Glasgow, Yamaha-Kemble Music (UK) Ltd.,
Sound Control, the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board and the Scottish
Music Information Centre.

Submissions form

(Please use a separate form for each submission.)


Company/Institution: ---

Address:  ---
		---  postcode/zip

I enclose the following submission:

Special Session

Title of submission: ---

Please return my score/tape.  Yes        No

I enclose a postage coupon for ------ and a self-addressed envelope.

I will collect my score/tape at the conference.

I enclose the following:

An abstract of my paper/workshop/demonstration proposal. 

My biographical note.

My programme note.

Technical specifications.

Jury costs of #7.50 per submission.  (Make cheques/money orders/
postal orders payable to ICMC, Glasgow 1990.)

Signed:  ---							

Date:  ---

Send completed form to: ICMC, Glasgow 1990,
				c/o Scottish Music Information Centre,
				1 Bowmont Gardens,
				Scotland G12 9LR. 

Office Use Only:

Received:  ---

Checked:  ---